Aurista This here will be my submission to the Flag Reset contest. I wanted to build a One-Flag specific map based around the same idea as Relic; Move around back and through the middle to get to your prize. I didn't quite get it, but it's still there. I'm happy with the outcome so far. There are two main routes to get to the flag, and then there's a tele that leads you up to the back hallway in Red base. There's a catch to the tele, though. It's blocked off. So, to access it, you must destroy the fusion coil the sits inside. I'm still working on this though, because douchey teammates can also destroy it. Now, I originally had a grenade launcher spawn in at 75 seconds onto the pedestal in the water. It was very difficult to see and was under-utilized. So I have replaced it with the rocket launcher, same spawn time, and 1 extra clip. The reason for such a quick spawn is because the rounds only last three minutes. So you can get the rockets a total of two times per round. Each team also has a sniper, but I'm seriously considering replacing Red's with a 'Nade launcher. Red has a serious advantage with the Sniper. I also want to state that the gameplay is surprisingly balanced, as long as your teams are. Weapons: DMR: 4 Assault Rifle: 2 Sniper: 2 (I may reduce to one), Extra clips: 1, Spawn time: 120 Grenade Launcher (Pending):1, extra clips: 2, Spawn: 120 Rocket Launcher: 1, Extra clips: 1, spawn time: 75 Plasma Pistol: 2 Needler: 2 Plasma 'Nade: 4 Frag 'Nade: 4 Screenshots: And by the way, there's a water pit for a reason: As for the aesthetics and piece usage, they WILL change. So suggestions are welcome. Feel free to DOWNLOAD and check it out. this version has both Snipers. COMMENT.
Not sure I like the idea of having to unblock a teleporter to use it, but I haven't gotten a game on here so I wouldn't know how it affects gameplay. Looks good and I hope I can get a game on it sometime.
I read the Maps name as Austria three times .. I was disappointed when I saw that you did not rebuild Austria on Forge World
I'm going to test it without a fusion coil and see which plays best. I got the idea from Relic as well; when you activate the two teleporters from the back of the structure. It's like a reward. You make it to the end, and you get a quicker route. I could have worded that a little better, but you get the idea.
I downloaded this version that you gave and did a forge through. I'm a fan of your forging because you do original designs. Personally I'd like to see you keep both snipers on the map. I really like the height variation and the routes to the flag. It is an odd map, and looks like it will have some nice gameplay.
Thanks man! I'm just a little uneasy about Red team with the sniper. They have the flag ledge, and a good Sniper can easily dominate from that perch. I know this from experience... Lol.
Looks interesting. The whole teleporter and fusion coil thing is an interesting mechanic but I can't see it working out too well for this map specifically. The reason being is the top looks like it would be far too easy for the defenders to lock down and extremely difficult for the offense to unclog the tele. Even if the attackers can open up that path, the route to the sender would be far too dangerous. Having a sniper for defense should not happen, I'm not even sure about the grenade launcher because of the massive advantage of height. I will get a game on the map later to try to see if my complaints are actually an issue.
Okay, so far I've switched Red's sniper for a Grenade Launcher and took out the fusion coil. I just need to redo all of the spawns (anyone want to help?) and get a few more tests going. Anyone and everyone is welcome.
I have not played this, so this is all speculative. I have only checked it out in forge. The thing that makes CTF great is the dynamic of gameplay, which I feel this map doesn't quite offer. First, for a 1 Flag map, it's symmetical. 1 Flag (CTF and Assault in general) thrives on presenting players with different tactics and routes for pulling flags. There's the quick and open route, the long and hidden route, the flanking route etc. This map only presents 3 options, two of which are symmetrical. There are only 2 hard routes to the flag which both play the same way due to it's symmetry. The teleporter, in my opinion, seems to only make up for the lack of a variety of hard routes. I do think it is a great to take inspiration from Relic though in this aspect, because Relic was a great 1 Flag map. The difference here is that when you take the tele on this map, it takes you right behind the flag where you are very exposed. On Relic, the tele took you pretty far away from the Flag, but you were hidden from view. These teleporters function very differently. On a side note, I would keep the explosive on the receiver node. I think it is a pretty cool, quirky element to have to earn the teleporter, making it a secondary objective in gameplay. Your call though. Second. It's too short of a flag run, and way too predictable. It seems like the flag is going to drop down every single time and only get run for a few seconds, probably around 10 seconds, which does not give the defenders a chance to spawn and catch up with the flag runner, flank him and contest the flag again. This is another aspect of a good 1 Flag map (which is why I hate MLG Flag on Countdown). Third. That water pit. There is too little play space for 8 players to rumble for a flag, especially since it will probably drop down there every time. I would also be frustrated if my and my team worked really hard to pull it, only having it to reset because it fell in the water. I think you almost had it here. You had a great idea and inspiration to guide you, but I think you rushed the map. I know you understand all these elements of a good 1 Flag map, and can do better. Relic was a great 1 Flag map but there are other great 1 Flag maps to take into consideration. High Ground, Longshore, Powerhouse and Embarcadero are some of my personal favorites. All these maps present a variety of offensive and defensive routes and tactics, are asymmetrical, have no death/water pits and plenty of dance floor and looooong flag runs.
Thank you, Noooooch, for going in depth and addressing the bigger issues, and for the support. I had definitely considered blowing off one of the sides and redoing it entirely; that, and try to extend the flag run and adding more variation, lol. That is one of the things that bothers me most. Any tips or ideas on how I could achieve this? As for the teleporter, the biggest issue is griefing or bad 'nade tosses.
Wait a min .... You made that sh!t ?!? Wow, look so clean, I think this is gonna play like construct from H3 . Looks Amazing as F*ck ! I need to play on this when i will be done with my summer job !