There is no drill. There is no training that got us prepared so that we can post CnC's with excellency. Not quite sure I like this one. Colors match, but that smudging isn't exactly proffesional.
I was experimenting a whole **** load on this one, trying some different techniques and such, I will wait for more CnC before I scratch my ideas.
Well on a rare occasion, I agree with frag, the smudging seems spotty and doesn't quite reach the render in some places (Small empty areas around the focal) defiantly not one of your stronger sigs.
Kk, I guess I will have to be more experimental for my next one while be as precise about things as possible.
i love it I like the colors,\ but in my opinion it seems to... dull. Btw, ABR is one of my favorite bands :]
The smudging isn't that great, but I do like the brush you used. That is a really nice brush for smudging. It looks like you just spot touched rather then actually blending the render. Looks really good though.
I like it a lot, but like Hunter said, it's looks very monochromatic and dull. I do like the text,there's just something about it that's really appealing.
There's nothing wrong with having a spots. The problem I had with the smudging is that is was overdone in one area, and dragged away the focal point.
CONVICTIONS TO THE BACK BURNER!!! I only know 2 of their songs, but back burner is why I love their style.
ABR ftw. I was hoping for more red, but purple is good too. =p I would totally steal it if it didn't have your name on it. Nice work.