Attrition Map Contest

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Max Extra, Jun 24, 2020.

By Max Extra on Jun 24, 2020 at 2:01 PM
  1. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Have you ever tried playing a game of trench warfare in Halo customs? Where you're just begging for some intense game play filled with big team pushes and even bigger defensive holds, but end up with nothing but two snipers cross mapping each other in a 1v1, that random teammate who stays in the wraith shooting at an empty trench, and campers with a shotguns? Well worry not young spartan! Attrition is here, and it needs your help! We need maps for the BTB rush down mode that promotes push forward combat, and a heavy emphasis on fast balanced game play. What is Attrition you ask? Well check out the link below!

    In summary here are the 5 pillars of Attrition game play:
    1. Four rounds to win
    2. Four minutes per round
    3. Two hundred points to win a round
    4. Rapidly score points by controlling the enemy capture point.
    5. Get kills at the beginning of the round to raise the score and spawn more weapons for your team.

    Attrition released with 5 unique custom made maps for the mode, all of which you are encouraged to download and play on to get a better grasp of the mode. There are not many specific rules one must follow when creating an Attrition map. In fact, Creativity and originality are encouraged. There are only a few hard rules to making an Attrition map.

    1. A small “no man's land” (middle of map) that takes only 5-7 seconds to cross.

    2. Strong defensive lines for both teams on each side of the “no man's land.”

    3. A capture point in between the defensive line and the spawn for both teams.

    4. A spawn zone on each side of the map that cannot be accessed by the enemy team.

    5. Dynamic weapon spawns that reward the winning team with more weapons.


    Attrition does need a bit of scripting to work, and because of that there is a template available with all the scripting premade. The only thing needed is to activate scripting and the map will be 100 percent playable. This makes the template a great reference for anyone wanting to submit a map. You don't need to follow the template exactly, or very much at all, but everything you need will be there. Remember to turn ON scripting before you submit! For those wanting to add your own scripting, that is allowed, just contact Hitbox unKnown before the submission deadline.

    And you may be thinking to yourself “This looks fun, I may want to participate, but what's in it for me” well I’ll tell you...

    1st place: 500 USD

    2nd place: 300 USD

    3rd place: 200 USD

    But wait, there's more! All placings and the honorable mentions from each Judge gets a Forgehub t-shirt!

    Ok now that we have your attention here’s where to submit: Submission Link

    • Submissions open the day of this announcement
    • Deadline is on 11:59 pm CST on the 5th of August
    • Max 3 submissions per contestant
    • You may only place once as the head forger of a map and as a co-forger of a map once each.
    • Judges cannot submit a map
    • You can edit your submissions, but the last edited date must be before the submission deadline.
    • Co-forging is ok and it will be up to the credited forgers to determine how to split any prizing
    • Plagiarizing other contestants maps is an instant disqualification.
    • Maps can be converted from other competitions (no matchmaking maps) but must have significant changes in order to fit the mode.
    • Remakes/reimaginings of Iconic maps from previous halos are permitted, but are on a thin line, make sure to be original.

    The Judging will be done in phases, and maps will be receiving an average score per play through, and the Scoring will be based on four categories.

    Phase 1 (Eligibility)

    This is where the judges are going through the checklist, and disqualifying any map that breaks any submission rules, or breaks any of the 5 rules for making an attrition map.

    Phase 2

    Each judge will play each map and give an average score. Any maps 9 and over will move forward.

    Phase 3

    Each judge will play each map, and any maps 12 and over will move forward.

    Phase 4

    Each judge will play the remaining maps and the Top 10 will move forward.

    Final Phase

    There will be a final round of testing until there is a top 5. Then Like a jury the judging panel will unanimously decide on the winning maps.

    Point guide:

    0 - Means for disqualification
    1 - very poor design
    2 - poor design
    3 - not bad, not great
    4 - well done
    5 - perfection

    Utility 5/5

    How well does your map run? Frame rate, Scripting, Accessibility, Spawning, cameras, named location volumes, even general map balance.

    Game play 5/5

    How fun is your map to play? Engagements, rounds not lasting too long, Weapon choice, engaging layouts,

    Art 5/5

    How beautiful is your map? The physical shape, the pieces used, the atmosphere, how well does the theme play together, is it a believable environment.

    Extra 2/2

    Extra points a judge may use in order to commend a specific aspect of a map that is worth pointing out (does not count negatively towards map average if 0)

    Hitbox unKnown will be streaming every one of his play tests here

    Link for the Trello Board for the contest can be found here

    Judging panel

    Hitbox unknown (Creator)

    B0b is here (Community Member)

    Max Extra (Forgehub staff member)

    There will also be game nights every Saturday and Sunday nights (Including this weekend!) for a chance to play the mode yourself, and even test your maps before the submission deadline. These will be the perfect times to ask us for personal help, and clarifications.

    See you in the War Games simulations,
    - Hitbox unKnown
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Max Extra, Jun 24, 2020.

    1. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      FYI for anybody interested in testing your Attrition maps, have general questions, or just wanna play the mode with us, Message me "Hitbox unKnown" on xbox for an invite to our game nights. for this Weekend they will be both sat and sunday at 4pm CST
    2. Stefan. I think
      Stefan. I think
      I haven't had the time to play the mode yet because I don't have many friends but the premise and everything about it seems really fun and exciting!

      So much so that I overdid it a bit and have made about 10+ maps so far - 4 or 5 which are pretty much done outside of the scripting which is stumping me a bit but I'm sure I'll figure out!
    3. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      Well we are having a game night for attrition today in less than 3 hours, so you are more than welcome to join! I usually stay on after the lobby as well to help answer any questions or help with scripting :)
      b0b is here and Stefan. I think like this.
    4. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      For any of you wanting to add scripting or dynamic elements to the zones, here is the list of scripts being used :)

      global number channels:

      alpha, barvo, charlie, delta, zulu, and yankee


      alpha, barvo, Zulu

      special notes

      • place zulu on any objects that needs to despawn at the start of the round

      • number check charlie 1 is sent when an enemy player enters blue zone (you can use this as an activator script for alarms, and dynamic elements to the zone)

      • number check delta 1 is sent when an enemy player enters red zone (you can use this as an activator script for alarms, and dynamic elements to the zone)
    5. Stefan. I think
      Stefan. I think

      Thanks so much for letting me know, unfortunately I was busy over the weekend, but I'll try to be there for the next one if possible to test the mode.

      And also thank you for the scripting help in your other post, will definitely come in handy!
      b0b is here and Hitbox Unknown like this.
    6. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      Alright guys we got the times for the 3rd Attrition Testing lobbies if you have any maps your are trying to get tested before the deadline this is the perfect time

      07/11 Saterday 3pm MST
      Host: Bob is here

      07/12 Sunday 4pm MST
      Host: Hitbox unKnown

      Most lobbies last about two hours of testing, more if there is a demand, just message the Host for a party and game invite, hope to see you there :)
      Stefan. I think likes this.
    7. The Grim Dealer
      The Grim Dealer
      Is there any place to grab a pre-fab for the scripting?
      Max Extra likes this.
    8. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      Yes, you can either download the template map, and the scripting is already grouped and ready to go, or you can download my Attrition zone scripts prefab. the prefab has scripting off so remember to turn scripting on for all the peices when your done :)
      The Grim Dealer likes this.
    9. Hairy Mcclairy
      Hairy Mcclairy
      Will there be more testing lobbies before the due date? I started a bit late on my submission :facepalm:
      Hitbox Unknown likes this.
    10. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      Yes Sir! We just finished up our latest Game night for this weekend. I don't quite Know my schedule yet but next Sat/Sunday we will be having Testing lobbies as well. On top of that B0b is here and I can also help test before then. So if you see one of us on you can message us for help :)
      Hairy Mcclairy likes this.
    11. Hairy Mcclairy
      Hairy Mcclairy
      Has anyone else experienced the cinematics glitch where it just displays the static cam? I checked the template map and it occurs there too, has anyone found a workaround?
      Hitbox Unknown likes this.
    12. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      yes I noticed this too, I wil be fixing this today as a matter of fact. so by tomorrow the cameras on the template will be fixed :)
      Hairy Mcclairy likes this.
    13. Hairy Mcclairy
      Hairy Mcclairy
      I found a work around, with my experience with this glitch so long as you don’t preview the glitched cinematic and then save the map in that order you can delete all the cameras and animations to place new ones :) I found that if you preview the glitched cinematic and then save the map no matter what you do it will be glitched, best of luck.
      Hitbox Unknown likes this.
    14. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      Alright everyone The 5th Attrition Testing lobby will again take place this Saturday and Sunday! Just this is one of the last times you will have a chance to play test your maps, before the submission deadline. Send me "Hitbox unKnown" A message if you need an invite or help of any kind

      The times:
      6pm MST
      9pm EST
    15. HAYDN est1999
      HAYDN est1999
      Hey, got a quick question, you said quote: "You may only place once as the head forger of a map and as a co-forger of a map once each." does this mean that as a team me and my forge buddy can submit 3 maps or just the 2 where we switch who the head forger is? I'm a little confused, could you clarify please?
    16. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      This is placings not submissions. everyone can submit 3 maps no matter who is co forging. Its just the placings is where there is a limit on co forges.

      You can only place once in the prising from one of your submissions, as in you can't win 2nd and 3rd place, only your best map will be chosen.

      You can also place once in the prising as a co forger. So overall you can win 1st place on one of your submissions, and 3rd place on someone else's submission in a co forge.[/QUOTE]
      HAYDN est1999 likes this.
    17. HAYDN est1999
      HAYDN est1999
      Ah Gotcha thank you so much for clarifying
      Hitbox Unknown likes this.
    18. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
      Alright everyone this is the home stretch. Final Attrition testing lobbies are this weekend before the submissions. I will be on sometime everyday from tomorrow to the deadline on 11:59 pm CST on the 5th of August. I will be on these times to help with anything such as, scripting help, testing help, submission help, general feedback, and anything else related to the contest :)

      07/30 Thurs
      6-8pm MST

      07/31 Fri
      2-4pm MST

      08/01 Sat
      4-6pm MST

      08/02 Sun
      5-7pm MST

      08/03 Mon
      9am -11am MST

      08/04 Tues
      11pm -1am MST

      08/05 Wends
      2-4pm MST
      (Final Testing)

      Friendly Reminder if you see me online at any other time Feel free to message me I can still help with any questions outside of these testing times.

      Submission link:

      Good luck Spartans!
      -Hitbox unKnown​
      The Grim Dealer likes this.
    19. Hairy Mcclairy
      Hairy Mcclairy
      I was talking with bobishere just now and according to him these times are wrong? So like instead of a lobby being now (4pm mst = 8am Aest) it's meant to be in one hour? I don't wanna miss any of these lobbies and some of them are at weird times that I need to plan around - can I get some assurance that we have the right times please?

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