How would YOU like to get back into guild wars. Well today's your lucky day! I vote we all start a new Forgehub guild, for the time being at least. We will vote on a Guild Leader. We will vote on where money goes to in the guild. Will we be a new form of guild. We will succeed! All forgehub members will have recruiting access BTW. If you are currently in a guild, no worry. You have not need to leave your guild for ours. So what do you all say? Let's scrap together some gold, and let's start a guild! While we will be a democracy, you must adhere to the fact I'm in control of this page. All events planned will be posted here, and I will make sure to follow the leaders orders of posting here. Step One: Get the members. Post your comment and make the vote up top, and your name will be added to the list. You need not name your character as of yet, and you need not quit any guild you may wish to untill step two activates. Step two will take place after a number of members that I have decided secretly. 1. Redearth 2. Step Two: *Classified* Step Three: *Classified* Events: *Classified* Ventrillo: *Classified* Guild Name: Forgehub [FgH] To Be Created upon correct number has been reached. Member List: *Classified* Website: *Classified* Current Poll: *Classified* Guild Leader: As of the moment me. That will change when we get to a further time and date. Guild Hall: *Classified* Alliance: *HIGHLY Classified* Awards: *Classified* MOTM: *Classified* I would really like to see to this advance and become reality. So what do you say? Let's make this guild a reality! Let's be Forgehub United! Anyone that would like to learn about guildwars, go to for more info. As for the classified sections, those are being worked on by me as we speak. They will not be removed until completion of step three however. We have work to do Marines! Join Today!
If this picks up then sure, I'll join. However, as of now I just play every once in a while when there's nothing else to do.