Put Construct on hold until my forge-friend at university gets the internet, so been pottering about with this for a while. Currently only runs TS & 5Flag, but if there is a good reception I will add the other gametypes. Original inspiration was the battle / beaver creek bases from Halo CE / 2 and I kinda modified it from there. It is also symmetrical. I added several jumps & aesthetic touches that should hopefully make the map flow nicely Map Set: DMR x4 15s respawn, 2 spare Needle Rifle x4 15s respawn, 2 spare Shotgun x1 120s (drop) respawn, 1 spare Armor lock x1 60s respawn Frag Grenade x4 20s respawn Health Station x2 30s respawn & that's all you need to know really, picture time.. Initial Spawn Middle Map Shotgun Spawn / Top Middle Armor Lock Spawn / Bottom Middle DOWNLOAD LINKS: Atrium TS 1 - http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=5478642&player=Mumbles 3D Atrium 5Flag 1 - http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=5478641&player=Mumbles 3D (The 3D must be included in the link, it wouldn't work as a hyperlink, don't know why :| ) Anyway, download, tell me what you think. (Will be looking for testers in the future if anybody is interested) Much love Mumbles
Thank you =] Anything to add to that? Cheers anyway! x Added after 4 Hours 3 minutes: Does anybody know how to upload the thread image, I bypassed it when creating the thread with the hope of adding it after, but can't seem to fathom it, if anybody could help it would be greatly apreciated x