The ATAT Walker! Built Solely by: Waffle Smacker This is pretty much a canvas for my ATAT map. Its so people can goof around on it and do whatever they want. Right now there is only a teleporter on the ground that will lead you inside the walker. The whole body is accessible as well as the neck and head. This is just the aesthetic version, i will have a gameplay version out very soon. ______________________________________________________________ Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Aerial View Head View Inside the Walker Inside the Head Compared to a Spartan ATAT Firing Please rate and enjoy the map! No modifying my map without my permission. Download the ATAT Walker Here YouTube - ATAT Walker Promo
Wow, that is actually pretty cool ,i like how you can enter inside it, maybe you should build a map around this, dont know how it would work but its just a suggestion. Judging from the pictures ill give it a 4.9/5 (build a mpa around it and it would be 5/5 ) EDIT: Yay, first post, my first ever
I do have a map around it now. This is just my blank version of the map. I'll get the other map on here soon.
It's pretty accurate and the best ATAT I have seen so far and the first on Sandbox (I think). Though the floor inside and parts of legs arn't straight and not smooth. I like how it looks like it is walking, maybe straighten up those lasers too.
Ok images are loading again. It looks good but It could be much better. The sides should be improved and also the inside needs to be neater. Other then that it is a good AT-AT for sandbox.
This is the best ATAT I've seen to date, so congratulations on that, but, judging pure ascetics, it is far to square (box-like). There may not be much you can do on that, but I suggest that you do all you can to make it look as realistic as possible. Notice: The sides are slanted (It is a trapezoid, not a rectangle), the middle area of the sides and top estends further than the front and back areas, the cockpit's sides and roof all slant inward toward the viewing window (like a sideways pyramid), the sides of the cockpit also slant vertically at the same angle as the sides of the main compartment, the legs should be made of flat walls, not square boxes, the bottom of the main compartment is not flat, don't make it that way, the viewing window of the cockpit is the front-most point of the cockpit, not the floor. These are just a few points that you could make more realistic to have the best ATAT you can. I am just offering helpful suggestions, please don't be offended by them, they're not meant to be insults.
This is awsome , great athetics maybe you could add more on the map such as bases like in the movie but who i am i to judge 6/5 yes thats 6/5 keep up the good work
Not exactly a problem in an aesthetic map unless im missing the point. Great representation, one of the best on Sandbox yet. The exterior is extremely smooth, and the legs are really in scale with the rest of the body. Great job!
Thanks! I just wish i had the motivation to go back on forge for another 5 hours to meet the standards everyone else wants.
Although its really quite cool and I really like the head there are some improvements you should probably make. For a start if you want to make it more accurate to the actually AT AT then you should make the sides slanted and also make the body a bit less blockish, if you look at the picture a previous guy posted it shows that the AT AT actually has a little underhanging piece from the main bit. In the head I would suggest that you make it so that the people cant see the radio thingies from the inside as it sort makes it feel much too 'crummy'. Also for when you come to the gameplay version of it (I know that this is purely an aesthetic version so far.) that you put some more design into the body part as it wont be particularly interesting for gameplay if your just in a big room with no cover, passages, siderooms or anything. Also are you planning on adding stuff around the AT AT? Because if you are I think it would be really cool to make one of the little hanger thingies from the film =). Or maybe you could block of the dunes and make one on each side of the dunes and make them fight in the center of the map. For now on this aesthetic version I'd give it about a 3.8/5, its pretty cool but could do with some improvements. PS: Hurry and make a final version I think it would be great!
you'll need to give me some time for the final version, adding some of things you guys have suggested will be just as hard as actually making the thing. Making the walls slanted and giving the base of the structure some shape, isn't going to be easy at all.
The head should be looking to one side a bit, and maybe make the body less boxy, but still this is really nice. Congrats on posting it like I suggeted
It may be impossible but if you could make it possible to put a ghost inside it so you can shoot the turret.