I made this atat walker on sandbox . I think its my best piece of work yet. The link for it on bungie.net (theres more recent pics there too) ATAT Walker The Empire Strikes Back
that...is win... I was expecting a two-bit knockoff comprised solely of 5 blocks...but im rather impressed... although the bottom of the body is a bit boxy.
Thanks! Yeah that was my starting point of building so i couldn't shape it much. I'm trying to get this more popular before I let the actual map go out on my fileshare because I want people to be able to back me up if someone steals it from me. It's a working Assault map right now, but I'm just tweaking it for now to make it work well.
Can you get inside it? Have you posted it in the aesthetic maps subforum yet? It looks really nice, it's a shame about its colour.
1:You prbally can't get inside it because aesthic is for pleasure of the structure. 2:The color can't change. Overall it is cool.But since it is in the screenshot section I will treat as if a real shot.The angle is perfect and the walker in the mid is beastly done.5/5 from me.How many DL's?
i like how u have it moving. is it playable? it'd be pretty cool if you made it larger and suited for slayer. imagine, running around an AT-AT, shooting eachother... or CTF. that'd bo so kickass. you have to go up a mancannon(like the cable) and then plant a bomb or grab the flag. epic win
Aesthetic maps should also allow you to get inside to admire the interior of the structure, which he did allow you to do. And I think he knows you can't change the color, that's why he said it was a shame. I really love maps like this, with a few additions to the surrounding area this could be a really fun map.
The picture only has 41 downloads. I've been working on making it an assault map. I just need to test it out a bit more but i'm having trouble finding players. Heres an overview of the map this is a bit outdated but the new layout just has a bit more structures in the middle of the map. Hoth As for putting a man cannon like where luke used his cable, I was trying to figure out something like that but setting up a man cannon at the bottom might not get you inside (because of how tall it is) I did however put a sword underneath the moving foot, because thats where luke got out of his aircraft.
if you make a teleporter about halfway up and place a man cannon facing up on it, then place another man cannon at the bottom, it should go to the bottom of the belly.
the problem i find with that though is people would be able to camp the hole. Making it a bad point of entry, what i do have tho is a landing pad behind the ATAT that the defenders can't access so the attackers can land safely and then proceed inside the ATAT when they want due to a shield door. Also I'm going to try and get this aesthetic map out today on the forums.
ok, but if you are worried about camping you oculd place holes in 2 or 3 of the feet and have mancannons going up from them to the belly. that way the defenders would have trouble trying to keep down all of the holes.
Very nice job. I haven't see star wars in many years.This brings back some fond memories of my childhood. Too bad you didn't have a player shooting a spartan laser out of the head.
Yeah i might try to add those, oh, and transaction zero, this link is for you. You can has ATAT shot.
I would love to hear more about this map. Is it posted? Is there an inside? Is it epic? ^ wait i know that answer^ Nice forging, the picture isn't all that great but the aesthetics of your forge creation makes the pick 10X better.
I will be posting it later today or tomorrow. ( i have a final i need to study for tomorrow :/ ) But after that i will definitely load up the map. And yes there is an inside, i put a link up earlier in the thread. Here it is againInside the Walker