AT-AT Walker

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Pigglez, Apr 25, 2008.


How is this map aesthetically and gameplay compatible? (based on thread)

  1. Near Perfect

    15 vote(s)
  2. Looks awesome

    18 vote(s)
  3. not bad

    9 vote(s)
  4. could be fixed a little

    2 vote(s)
  5. needs improvement... a lot

    5 vote(s)
  1. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    A Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

    STAR WARS: Episode V: Empire Strikes Back
    The Battle of Hoth: AT-AT Walker​

    The galaxy is at war. Despite Destroying the Death Star, Commander Luke Skywalker and the Rebel fleet have taken refuge on the cold, icy desert plantet of Hoth. Yet their secret base stays hidden for only a short time. Within days the evil Lord Vader has discovered Luke's hideout and has ordered for its destruction. The Rebel's are trapped and limited on supplies, and with the Empire's gigantic AT-AT- All Terrain Armored Transport walker- destroying everything in sight, hope seems futile...

    Description: Empirial Section

    This map is by far my biggest, greatest, and most aesthetic creation to date. When I announced the release date, I had no idea what I got into. Knowing many have been made previous to this one, I knew I had to make mine stand out, and I think I did quite well...

    The Map itself features mainly the enormous AT-AT situated on the left-hand side of Avalanche (if Facing the cliff). It spans over most of that side of the map and reaches past to the top of the map barrier. The AT-AT is pretty impentitrable and features a variety of defenses. There are three main ways into the machine.
    1. Spawn in it as a defender.
    2. Run to the Snowspeeder hangar and grab a snowspeeder (banshee) and fly yourself to the top where you can land and then drop in through gaps in the front.

    A Rebel lands on the AT-AT with his Snowspeeder.

    3. This way is trickier and takes practice. Basically, you'll be climbing the legs to get inside. To do this, walk up to the back of each foot and run up the path. (For one foot, it is required to skillfully crouch-jump in). Now crouch jump a little and get on to the small barricade step. From here, turn to your side and jump up onto the small ledge above you. Now, and this may take a few tries, ride the mancannon(s) up to the leg's top where you will fall into a teleporter. These will take you to either the top of the AT-AT, or inside the main body.

    Here you see a picture of the inside of a leg, from the top.

    Those are the only ways in, so use each one careful. If you are a bomb carrier, the third option becomes your only option.

    The Main Body of the AT-AT is where all the "Magic" happens. Here you will find the shotgun, a needler, a flame grenade, a Beam Rifle and two spikers. This may sound like a lot, but its actually very few things in a medium-sized area. Plus, Except the spikers, they're mostly all well hidden. The shotty and needler are across from each other, hidden under the walls in small creaveses in the floor. The Beam Rifle lay above the neck tunnel and the flame grenade is at the top of the walkway to the second floor. The spikers are next to the grenade. There are also two plasma grenades in the neck.

    The inside of the AT-AT. The barricades in the back are on the sides of the shotgun. The opening in the top is the neck and the spikers are behind the barricade in the front of the picture. In the back corner is a gap, you can fall in here from the top or run out here to get to the top of the head and its side turrets.

    The head and neck of the AT-AT are pivotal positions. In the head are two plasma cannons, and on the outside of the head, on the sides are two more plasma cannons, to represent the 4 plasma turrets seen on an actual AT-AT. In Rebel Strike, the Rebels must plant the bomb in the head, and one territory is found here too. It is possible to drop from the head to the ground from here yet you are protected with a shield door. Though a wraith or banshee bomb will still probably kill you.

    The Head of the AT-AT. See the four turrets? Deadly.

    In the back of the body there is another opening that holds a landspeeder. (Ghost) You may be wondering, why is it half out of the AT-AT? Good question. Moving on, and yea, it looks like a piece of crap, as soon as you jump into the ghost it falls. (Haha it crapped itself, real funny :]) The landspeeder is and can be a very valuable asset to defending the walker.

    The back of the AT-AT.

    A landspeeder falls to the ground far, far below.

    Weapons on AT-AT:
    In body:
    -Shotgun(1): 45 sec respawn
    -Needler(1): 30 sec respawn
    -Spiker(2): 30 sec respawn
    -Beam Rifle(1): 45 sec respawn
    -Flame Grenade(1): 10 sec respawn- side note: You may be saying, how is a flame grenade in a competitive map, because its useful, isnt used much and theres only one... deal with it.
    In Head:
    -Plasma Cannons(4): Instant respawn
    -Plasma Grenades(2): 10 sec respawn
    On Back:
    -Missile Pod(1): 30 sec respawn- trust me when I say this is probably the most useful weapon here... you're gonna need it.

    The Empire Base:
    Not much here in this base behind the AT-AT. Although a territory can be found here and some people may spawn here... The most key aspect here is the wraith. It is the AT-AT's greatest defense (besides that super-handy missile pod) against Snowspeeders. Those things can dominate here.

    The Empirial Wraith destroys an enemy Snowspeeder.

    Description: The Rebel Base:

    The Rebels and Luke are by far outnumbered in power and defense. But what they lack there they make up for in offense.

    The Rebels spawn in the base on the right-hand side of the map. The entire base is on lockdown however. You need to evacuate... fast. Upon spawning run down to the basement where teleporters are waiting to take you outside. Other than this only exit, you'll find nothing else of interest here, so don't dawdle.

    Now you, as always, have options. There are 5 vehicles open right now for you. Two prowlers, two mongeese and a Rebel Wraith. The snowspeeder hangar can be reached, but it probably won't be available seeing as three people spawn there, and will probably immediately take the snowspeeders. Anyway, permitting you're not them for now, you can take a vehicle or continue on foot, though it won't be easy. Scattered around the area are minimal amounts of supply. Some needlers/sentinel beams, a beam rifle, a Spartan Laser and a fuel rod gun. Continue on from here to reach the AT-AT.

    The overview of the Rebel Base and surroundings.

    Luke Skywalker:
    Every round, one lucky soul gets randomly selected to be the Jedi Master. Luke spawns in a small enclosed area of the rebel base with the natural Jedi necessities. The force, instilled in a custom powerup, a force field (bubble shield) and of course, what's a Jedi without his lightsaber? Pick these up and head through the teleporter to meet your Rebel Comrades outside.

    Luke begins his quest...

    NOTE:The Spartan Laser is located on a small rock tower next to the large mancannon near the cliff. To reach it, you must find the grav lift hidden nearby. Use the force Luke, use the force!

    The Snowspeeder Hangar:
    The hangar located in the center cave of the map is blocked off to the Empire and cannot be accesed from the exit, only the Rebel entrance. Inside you will find nothing except for three snowspeeders in front of the cliff and mancannon. Hop in, fly to the exit tunnel and blast into Hoth!

    The Hangar. "Red leader we have takeoff, over."


    CTF: Rebel Revolt:

    In this CTF game, not much is different then the actual one-sided type of CTF. Players spawn and must reach the flag high in the middle of the body of the AT-AT. Work your way up using the very useful Snowspeeder technique to board the AT-AT. Once you have the flag, the game becomes like hell as everyone races to the rebel base where you must return the flag to.

    Assault: Rebel Strike:

    Assault is the main gametype designed for this map. Your objective: Take down that AT-AT!!! This time, strategy changes as you cannot fly to the AT-AT as bomb carrier. The leg approach is the best way here, although if you can manage standing on a banshee while someone flies, then go ahead, whatever works. Once there, wait ten seconds to arm the bomb into the head and then wait 10 more to see it blow. Fire in the Hole!

    Bye Bye AT-AT!

    Territories: Capture the AT-AT:

    This gametype is also simple, yet pretty challenging as well. Five territories, finders keepers.

    The five locations are:
    -The Feet
    -The Body
    -The Head
    -The Top
    -The Empirial Base

    The easiest is the feet, start here. Next move on to the Empirial base. These two, not located directly on the machine are such then the simplest to capture. Then comes the 3 on its body! Strategically, fly to the top and start there, then drop into the body before taking on the head. Such a small area like that results in sometimes massive carnage.

    Slayer: The Empire Strikes Back:

    In itself this slayer battle is already somewhat unbalanced because of the asymmetricalness of the map. However, all of the Rebel firepower and vehicles balances it out. To 25 kills wins, standard rules. However, this gametype is unique in its own way too. After Retrieving the flag, capturing the territories and taking down the AT-AT, Luke has gone to Dagobah to complete his training. You are alone now, with no Jedi to save you. Make good use of Snowspeeders and wraiths here.

    For each gametype I recommend 3v3 or more for gameplay. The more the better :]

    Also, everyone begins with a plasma pistol. This really reanacts the Star Wars movie. However, with increased damage infliction, these things are deadly as hell, like the blasters in the movie. A charged blast will obliterate someones shields and then a follow up shot is all it takes to win the fight.

    Other Pics:

    Overview of the AT-AT:

    Snowspeeders battle it out over the head of the AT-AT:

    A Real AT-AT in all its glory.

    So there you have it. After ten days of work since the release of the Legendary map pack, about six times where I deleted the entire to start over and a near fatal release date switch, I bring you, Zstrike13's:


    Rebel Revolt

    Rebel Strike

    Capture the AT-AT

    Empire Strikes Back

    Special Thanks to:

    Astronaut31: For designing the Rebel Base, Hangar and testing.
    Gobbles: For ruining my map, then realizing it was perfect already.
    And the academy. Thank you all... :]

    Gobble Proof:
    After a half hour, gobbles broke my map twice, one is unfixable and completely Bungies fault and the other doesnt affect gameplay too much, so Gobbles declared it Gobble Proof.



    Almost forgot, as an added bonus and to really reanact the movie, try getting everyone to wear the scout armour to resemble the Rebel suits and such, just a tip but its fun to do :]
    #1 Pigglez, Apr 25, 2008
    Last edited: May 7, 2008
  2. discopete019

    discopete019 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice, what color effect did you use, gloomy or colorblind?
  3. barefootabe

    barefootabe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks sick lol..denfenitly the best at at so far and i doubt there will be a better one..gotta go download now lol
  4. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    At first I didn't think the AT-AT looked to good, but I'm sure the gameplay will make it up for that. I loved the idea of having a Jedi. Very interesting


    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks very well made and very fun but it belongs in the Aesthetics.
  6. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I disagree. To me, it looks very playable, and honestly, I think it will be more fun than it looks.

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Me too, ill be sure to play it tonight
  8. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    cool thx for all the feedback guys.

    in response to monkeydeath on aesthetics, tht was probly my hardest decision to make lol. I made it to be extremely aesthetic of course, but i wanted it to be very playable, and thts what i did. Thts y i chose competitive :]
  9. UnreadyBibstar

    UnreadyBibstar Ancient
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    You have my download.

    What do you suggest for this map player number wise though?
  10. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    o yea i forgot, ill go add tht now... id suggest anywhere between 3v3 nd up. Being avalanche and all, the more the merrier!

    also, in response to Discopete, i used colorblind. The only reason i did was to make it look nicer. Without the effect, the AT-AT looked bad all red,blue and green so as colorblind, it looks like a normal AT-AT
    #10 Pigglez, Apr 25, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  11. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
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    yeah it would look weird normal you got another download from me (too bad none of my friends are shellin out $10 for the new maps though)
  12. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    yea ive seen it normal, do a forgethru nd ull see, it aint tht great normal... not horrible, but better in black nd white

    nd yea, a lot of my friends wnt buy the maps either :[, but thts y theres FH!!! :]
  13. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I like howyou used colourblind to get over the colour problems of the boxes... i dont know why bungie made their colour so random :S.
    I was actually thinking -Hmm he should make someone spawn on a power-up as "luke"...oh wait he did!- as i read it.
    Personelly i dont think the AT-AT looks the best but if i remember rightly you cant interlcok the Avalanche boxes,so you can't really help it.
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    *posted twice by acc :S.If someone could delete this one....
  15. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    actually i did interlock them, it took a while tho nd altho it might look messy, its pretty smooth nd u only walk on a small portion of it in the box. Theyre interlocked tho, if u go in game ull see... also, i purposely made some cracks and such in it to make it look, a) worn down nd b) put the shotgun nd needler hidden away. There are also a couple other weapons i didnt mention scattered on the map like one mauler, a few more fuel rods for the Empire nd a few more needlers. I purposely emphasized not going too human weapony to make it more like starwars. In fact, except for the shotty, none r human... o nd the Laser but it looks Star Wars like so...
  16. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    i cant see the screens
    but i bet that this is a great map according to posts
  17. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    idk y u cnt, ever1 else can?
  18. Astronaut31

    Astronaut31 Ancient
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    It is fun to have grenade sticking fights in the AT-AT. My hanger rocks!
  19. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    when i was reading the first part of the description, i was expecting it to be a VIP match, where you have to keep luke alive and kill the AT-AT commander, but the gametypes you have set up suit what happens in the movie better.
  20. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    is tht a good thing or bad thng? i was thinking of doing a vip thing, but decided not to

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