Asylum Note - "This is not supposed to be an origional map, its a remake of the map made for doubles".. Asylum is a remake of the default layout of Sandbox updated and made for 2v2 matches. It’s made smaller for more action. The map supports all doubles game types. FYI, this map isnt supposed to be a 100% remake of the map. I purposly made the bases cut in half because theres no point of having a huge base for a doubles map. Yes I have recon and no I wont give it to you so dont ask me how I got it, just watch the video and listen to why I remade the map in the crypt YouTube - Asylum Heres some pictures Overview Corner View Side of red base Blue base alley Middle Overview Lighting Download Map
Did you guys even bother reading his post? This is what is making me lose faith in the community. Half of you guys don't read anything, you jump to the screenshots and make assumptions. Its not right, Learn how to read the topic, just like mine. Good map, I would love this in Doubles, Now if only you could fit sand dunes down there. 6/5 for effort, 5/5 for originality, and a 4/5 for being neat. Best Regards, Hardly Hidden.
lol, did not expect this! Great idea. Doubles is fun, and I can see how a big map would lead to some troubles. Good job. I'd say 5/5 for everything, but 4/5 for originality
Hidden, after reading the whole post, I don't think this map is original. It is just a complete remake of sandbox. I do give props for effort tho. Neatness too I guess.
LOL, you sure do have recon and definitely didn't mod that video. My computer doesn't have sound, did he mention me in the video? How I was gonna help him then decided it would be lame then he turned it out great? 7/10, but that's pretty much only for originality. What was the point of making a horrible team slayer map into a doubles map? Remember, don't encourage Bungie to build more half assed maps like the default layout.
This is a pretty neat Idea, though it's missing some mongooses for non team doubles. Um, if everything is straight and stuff and this is your version of the remake then I really can't cut you down. However. I wouldn't download this since I hate the default map for Sandbox. I don't hate your map since you must have put a good bit of time with measurements but I don't feel like this would satisfy my dubs needs or just be an enjoyable reminder of how much bungie stinks at making custom map defaults. Still better than the maps they choose, so overall 4/5
So simple that it is so good! Cant wait to see more remakes like this one but it seems it is missing something...But either way 4.5/5 for the great effort and neatness
That is a good idea, now it basicly plays like the original sandbox, now people just cant go "outside the map" and snipe from there. good idea 4/5
No snipers on original sandbox, and I did download this and am ready to give a more in depth review. The map is the same as sandbox except for the smaller bases/coordinates. It is not put in any perfect scale. I hate the default layout so this is kind of lame. I think that if you're going to try to do a remake of a poorly built bungie creation add some spice,... like building it upside down with a floor right under it, because you do have the items.
well, i meant go oustide the map and not get killed as much, what i meant by snipe was long range shooting, not neccesarily snipers. sorry