Finally, here is the Asylum V2 map! **this is not the remake from COD5** Download the map and play it with the Judgement V2 gametype and you are set for some zombie slaying time. Enjoy! Changes made to the Asylum -one extra room downstairs(with a zombie window) -more space downstairs(removed a couple of walls for better gameplay) -weapon swaps -cannot get stuck in the doors now -moved zombie window from shotgun room to new room(shotgun is in the same room...but in a secret area) -all humans spawn downstairs -open window selection for zombies(can teleport from one side to another to access different windows) -dumpster door upstairs has been moved to block off random weapon box and last stand room -humans now must last for 1 minute downstairs, then can open dumpster door, then must last till the 4 30 mark in the game to reach the last stand room and RWB. -I think that's all. Now for details..ohh and some screens..plenty of em. Getcha Some! Gameplay changes Here is a brief description of how the map works now. MM = minute mark 7 MM = all humans spawn downstairs. Select weapon from wall and fight for 1 minute. 6 MM = humans can open downstairs dumpster door by simply walking up to it. Humans can then go upstairs and choose what area to defend until last stand room is "unlocked". 4 30 MM = second dumpster door can be opened, allowing access to the RWB and the last stand room. Screenshots of the changes made There are 3 types of doors..due to lack of materials and map size this must stay..sorry. Door window Master Debayter's original design Sign window \ This is what makes it more open for zombies. These two teleporters allow access to each yard. Extra Room Downstairs + the rest of the downstairs
Upstairs area Dumpster door that humans can open after 150 sec, leading to the RWB and last stand room. Last Stand Room Yes, there are Action Screens! Ouch..thats gotta hurt. DOWNLOADS Map = The Asylum V2 Gametype = Judgement V2 Enjoy!
Great map, version 1 was fun to play with friends, and i think version 2 will be even more fun. Love it, the whole desigb and concept of the map is great. This map would be crazy fun will 16 people. 5/5
Lol, I'm the zombie getting headshot in the first picture... *sadface* This v2 plays better than the first version mainly because you opened up the bottom story and expanded it a little. Also, restriction the upstairs for a while was a good idea too, it prevented mass camping in the Last Stand area by eliminating some of the players along the way. Now all I gotta do is finish the v2 of the Last Day and we'll both be set.
Wow, I love the new design! The map is more open, the spawning isn't upstairs anymore, more zombie entrances, just more fairness and fun. I couldn't be there for testing because I was busy that day but the map seems to have changed quite a bit and for the better. Great job. Now all I need to do is wait for the Last Day V2. Also, you guys really need to create a guide in forge discussion on how to make a Judgement map. That way even more of these maps could be found on the site and it would just really help out for people.