YouTube - Astroturf Preview - A Halo:Reach Forge Map This is my first ever Forge map. I wish I could upload this for some play-testing and reconfiguration of weapon placement and spawns by people who actually know what they're doing. But I figure for my first whack at it, it wasn't too bad. Thoughts? Also, in case you didn't read the video description on YouTube, I don't have any Live connectivity at my college. Bummer. *EDIT* What you see here is now the updated version. I think it's better.
That looks pretty good. I like how you covered the base in rocks. However, i wouldn't have any weapons on them, it would create way too much camping. Plus the terrain is very uneven and would be a royal pain in the arse. You might also want to connect the bridge going through the middle to both sides. At the moment, everyone has to use the mancannon's unless they have a jetpack. There should always be a way to walk everywhere on every map. So far so good, It has a feel of narrows with a singular bridge, but you might want to expand upon ways to get the the enemy base. Narrows has 3 main routes, yours currently only has 1 for walking and 2 for jetpackers.
Thanks for the response. I understand what you mean about the bridges, I was trying to figure out better ways as well, but I didn't want direct access to the opposite base. I actually set it up so that you can clear the jump while sprinting, but I wasn't sure if that was enough. Also, the rockets on top were more of a last minute thing. I wanted rockets on the map but didn't know where to place them. The middle has too many objective spawns, and I felt like it would get clogged up. On a side note, I'm trying to get the oddball to spawn directly on the small pillar in the middle of the raised circle, but whenever it spawns, it seems to be on the ground. I can't see what the problem is because I never spawn close enough. Maybe I'll have to throw in a Green team spawn there and just delete it after I see what the problem is. Any other way to do it? And one last thing. Is there any way to set up hills for Crazy King separate from regular KOTH? I want the one hill in regular KOTH to be the middle island, and the two areas with the mancannons to be other hills for Crazy King. Problem is, whenever I pick regular KOTH, it makes one of the side hills the main hill, which is incredibly unbalanced. Anyone know a solution? (It seems to work this way on Asylum too...)
Great job for your first map. I'm diggin top mid and I lol'd at the clump of rocks. I'd get rid of the falcons, two is just a little much. I'd also make the interior of the bases less hectic, like remove some interior walls
Brilliant map! The only problem I see with it is the teleporters. Running a flag would take all of 10 seconds. I'd recommend setting them to more centralized locations, and with one way teleporters. Putting it at the bottom is also an issue. It means the flag runner can't be shot at while taking that route by any people running top mid. As such, I'd strongly recommend taking the teleporters away from there. Along with that, try experimenting with a bridge connecting the two bottoms to add incentive to the route. Make it more acessable to from the top like on construct.
I'll do some runs and try to time how long it takes to capture the flag from all routes and then adjust accordingly. Thanks for the suggestion.
Don't really want to Necrobump, but I just got it uploaded finally! So, I'd definitely appreciate some help with weapon placement, as I have no idea what I'm doing with that. As such, the bottom areas of the map don't have weapons on them currently.
I have to say, i was expecting a soccer map, but this is pretty good. Reminds me of guardian from halo 3 somehow.