This is my first signature EVER in Photoshop. I hope you like it: Its not the greatest but.. yea. I focused on color and effects and haven't tried smudges out yet. One with smudging will be soon to come, so stay classy Forgehub.
You disfigured the picture. And you have the right idea for a border, but you need to pick a different color in there. The blue takes away the space theme.
The stock itself was terrible. I don't even know why i picked it. And alright about the border, something to improve on. Hows the text? I tried improve on that also.
Text generally depends on the finished picture. I like to use it last because it's completely different from the signature itself. A fill in. So it usually goes last. Work more on the border, and keep with a stock text. When you get better you can start changing text fonts. But, I'm not saying my way is the way. Just one that I prefer to use.