I spent a lot of time fixing problems I found on my map. One of the biggest was the lack of cover on the outer edge of the map, for which I curse my light budget for not letting me do more with! Other then that I have numerous other tweaks and alterations. I have finally implemented Dominion into my map, just on a smaller scale. Domain Assault: (Dominion with a twist) *It plays with the default Dominion gametype* There are two base terminals, one on each side of the map, spawning at each teams base. They start off as belonging to their respective teams, so that neither team can score points initially. At this point the game plays a lot like two flag CTF, with each team trying to get to the others base terminal. Then the twist, once you capture the enemy base, two base turrets will appear at your base (the one your opponents are trying to capture) and start defending it. The turrets are facing in the general area where the base terminal is located, so getting to it can be dangerous, but there is a safe area out of their range in front of the terminal itself. The interesting thing is that once the game gets going, the base turrets switch teams whenever they are destroyed, which I feel makes for some interesting gmaeplay. Unfortunately I haven't gotten a game together to test it out yet, so I may still have to flesh out a few of details in order to make it play well. Gametypes this map supports: 2-Flag CTF Slayer/Infinity slayer Regicide Oddball King of the Hill Extraction Dominion (Assault variant) Weapons: Sniper Rifle (Top Green) 180 seconds Spartan Laser (Top Mid) 180 seconds Rail Gun x2 (Bottom Red & Bottom Blue) 120 seconds Random drops - 30 seconds Ghost (Top Yellow) 120 seconds To download from the in-game fileshare search, my gamertag is Sunlit Fallen. Asterisk And some shots of updated sections: Let me know your thoughts and opinions! Thanks! -Sunlit Fallen
More than anything, that gametype just sounds epic! So wait...how do you make a base belong to one team (and thus not be able to capture it)? I wanted to make a Territories gametype (a la Halo 3) where one side already has the bases (Terminals) and the other team must get them....but when I made the bases belong to the Defenders, nothing seemed to change...
Thanks! Are you sure nothing changed? When a base is already owned at the start of the game, it will still display an icon over it saying "capture." The defenders were still able to capture the bases in your game? All I did for my maps was I set the attacker's base to "team: attackers", and the defender's base to "team: defenders." In theory if you set the team to defender then it should not be able to be captured by the defenders, since they already own it, so I am not sure exactly why it didn't work for you...