The only decent looking one I like is the first one. The rest are, ummm... lets just say they need more work. 3/5.
the only decent one i see here, is 4. The others are over used, so they have lost there "pizaz" so say. But there.... okay. So, 2/5 on first 3 3.7555555555/5 on 4th
Overused much? The first one is boring, it is like looking at a concrete wall. The second one, the colours don't stand out at all. Third one, is ok. The contrast and angle is ok. Last on is incomprehensible. It looks like a blob with some colour smeared in. Sorry, but try harder next time. 3/10.
I personally like the second one, and can not stop looking at the last one, LOL.Only thing I would mention about them, is to try using colorblind with the second one. I would give these a 3/5.