Asset: The Tundra

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Atik, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    The Tundra is my first Asset map, and one of the first asset maps on Avalanch. It currently supports Asset V2 and Asset Long. I have also created a version for Asset V3. I still need to test it some more, as this map using many new ideas not commonly seen in asset. Some of these include a Scorpion Tank and a Zealot.

    Yes, thats right, a Zealot. No chieftens with there Clumsy hammers. If anyone can take out the Enginneer, it is the swift and nimble Zealot. Just a couple lunges from his E-Sword and Virgil is down.

    I don't have access to my Xbox at this second, so I have ver few pictures.

    Human Spwan:


    Destination point:

    Contact me if you would like to help test this. And no, the man cannons CANNOT under any circumstances EVER be used to cheat AT ALL! All it does it screw your team over.
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Could you give some description of the map along with pictures of where attackers will spawn. Having no idea what classes you have chosen to use for this map, or what vehicles may be placed, I really cannot help you. The only thing I can see currently is that it looks a bit sloppy.
  3. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    First off, before making an Asset spinoff, read this.

    I'm not a huge fan of these rules, but I believe that you should ask rifte gifle about your map, anyways.

    As for the map itself, I agree that it does look sloppy. I suggest that you use more merging, probably ghost merging since it's the fastest.

    That tank might be a problem since you simply pinned it down to the ground upright, making it a very powerful stationary turret. If you want to incorporate the tank as a destroyed/unusable vehicle, then you should flip it upside down and pin it.

    There should be some more cover for the humans. If you ghost merged a line of walls around the spawn area, that would, at least, be an improvement.

    Good luck with this map, as I don't believe I've seen any Asset maps on Avalanche yet (except Given to Fly's new Asset Convoy map), and I think that it could potentially be fun.
    #3 Panncakez, Jan 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2010
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    my friend made one but he didn't color coordinate the boxes which people didn't seem to like.
  5. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    This sin't a spin-off, it uses the same gametype. And Rifte is fine with this, he has seen it.

    Covies have Bansheed, Ghosts, Choppers, Wraiths, and a prowler. Classes include regs and stalkers. Weapons are pretty much all covy weapons on avalanch.

    I'm currenly considering removal of the tank. And most everything except the bridges has been merged.

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