Sandbox Asset: RidgeSide

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Ell3ment, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    ell3ment, Gunnergrunt

    Map Name:

    Map Canvas:

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    Supported Gametypes:
    Asset V2




    Download RidgeSide
    Download Asset V2

    RidgeSide BackStory
    For a long time I have had an idea for a map where your VIP is trapped in a room and your team would have to rescue him from his prison and escort him to escape. Naturally when I first discovered asset i fell in love with the idea of a game type very similar to what i had envisioned. Even though i loved asset i always felt like it had a few flaws with the attackers side and the length of the rounds due to the hornet. I started toying around with a design to prolong the hornet spawn to six minutes so you could better disperse the spawning times of some of the more powerfull attacker weapons, vehicles, and classes. After roughing out a very complex and exspensive version Gunnergrunt joined the game and came up with a simpler and more efficient way to produce the same result. Soon after, Gunnergrunts interests in forging an asset map grew and yet another co-forge project came into light. The rest of the story is lost in a whirl of forging and testing all culminating to the masterpiece that we like to call RidgeSide.

    Map description:
    RidgeSide is A map built around the idea of a truly perfect game of asset. Nestled into the side of the largest dune on the main floor of sandbox this five platform birdhouse looking structure is where you and your team with try and work together to defend your asset for six minutes. Throughout the round your team have to work together to defend all sides of your VIP while the attackers become stronger as the better weapons, classes, and vehicles become available to them. Even the most organized teams can fall prey to a good assault, so be sure to keep an extra eye open for assasins. Not only does RidgeSide capture the essence of a true game of asset, it also delivers a new a unique more balanced style of play that allows your team to organize a timed strategy rather than struggle unpredictably. Please take the time to play a few games and see just how different this map truly plays.

    Defenders Weapons list:
    4 - Battle Rifles
    2 - Smg's
    1 - Rockets: 0 clips, 120s
    1 - Shotgun: 1 clip, 120s
    1 - Spartan Laser: Never
    1 - Sniper Rifle: 1 clip, 120s
    1 - Missle Pod: 0 clips, 180s
    1 - Turret: 120s
    1 - Trip Mine - 150s
    4 - Plasma Grenades: 2 - 45s, 2 - 60s

    Attackers weapons list:
    3 - Carbine: 2 clips, instant spawn
    3 - Plasma Rifles: instant spawn
    3 - Spikers: 2 clips, instant spawn
    1 - Brute Shots: 1 clip, instant spawn
    1 - Fuel Rod Gun: 90s, Does not spawn at start
    2 - Spike Grenades: Instant Respawn
    1 - Deployable Cover: 20s
    1 - Regenerator: 60s
    1 - Bubble Shield: 45s
    1 - Power Drain: 90s, Does not spawn at start
    1 - Flare: 60s

    I could explain more but i would rather let the pictures explain it a little better.

    Defenders Overview:

    Attackers Overview:
    The spawn room also is used to destroy the banshee at two minutes and the wraith at two and half minutes. At three minutes a wall spawns covering each wall slit allowing the vehicles to spawn at there correct times. The teleporter unblocks at four minutes allowing players to go get a vehicle.

    Attackers respawn room:
    The teleporters in the large doorway randomly lead to one of six recievers placed behind the various rock cover in front of the base. These teleporters serve as the attackers main route to battle and the choppers doorway out.

    Class Spawn Rooms:
    I use fusion coils to cover the single spawn point until the man cannon spawns and destroys the coils to unblock the spawn room. I have yet to see more than one chieftan in any round using this system.

    Ok so by now I'm guessing you want to see action picS!

    Preparing to drop

    The best use of your asset

    Avoid random gravity holes

    Best defense is a good offense

    Saving the laser for the big vehicles is always smart

    Uh, just your VIP needs to make it guys.

    Beware of ninjas

    Proper turret use = win

    Is he trying to throw it back?

    Beware of fuel rod brutes

    Come on guys!!?!?! Where is his backup!!

    Assaulting from the low ground never works

    West coast chopperz

    I ran out of witty comments sooo.... yeah

    A BIG big thanks to all of our many many many testers that endured through my many hours of required testing before i release any map.

    Download RidgeSide
    Download Asset V2
    #1 Ell3ment, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    #2 Gunnergrunt, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009
  3. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    Holy crap this looks awesome! The building with the gold columns is incredible and the game play looks top notch! Can't wait to play it! :D
  4. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Omg! Its out! I really liked testing this over, over, and over again, it never got boring. I really love that little cartoon like pic you have in description, actually kinda funny. One of my favorite things is how it sort of has its own feel, LOVE IT!

    EDIT: WOW! I just finished watching the video and saw that clip. Atleast people will get a good laugh out of it...
    #4 Xang, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    LOLZ We Apologize Xang Yang. The Cartoon picture is hilairous. The Map looks great. Jetpack brutes have gravlifts? Since when? The Gameplay from the video looks intense. Gay Music though. Nice Job. Ill add this to my collection. 5/5
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Finally, this is up. Mention that this supports Asset Long (200% shield recharge rate for longer games)

    At the video, I lol'd at the end when everyone tried to get onto the hornet :p
    #6 Rifte, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009
  7. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    My only problem with playing this a while ago was the ease of accessability from the bittm levels to the top without using the gravlift way, other than that I loved being the covenent and attacking on this map.
  8. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I tested this so many times with you guys, and it definitely is worth Dl'ing. The map plays really well, and its obvious there was a lot of testing and editing in this. There are a lot of epic battles that erupt in this map. Overall, very, very great map. I love that picture you had in the beginning of the post. Wort wort wort.

    Also, in this image, I'm trying to spell my name on the wall, but someone is screwing it all up. I find it funny you used it for a picture.

    EDIT: okay, it might actually not be me
    #8 cory21, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Since... they are jet pack brutes, does that not mean they should be able to jump high into the air?
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    virgil goes wurgle? hmm i never noticed.
    anyway, its a blast to play and me thinks you will both get premium soon.
    what else, oh yeah, did you manage to fix the defender spawn? somethimes we would start down at the place, or be split up 50-50, on another note, did you make the top0 more accessible from the back? because it was good the way it was.

    omg there are 14 mems viewing thiss at once, i think thats a record for a non featured map :)
  11. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Lol i saw 17 just a second ago

    The defender spawn system will split you up only if Virgil spawns on the single starting point atop the large dune. In that case, the ODSTs will spawn closer to him, in the base. And the top didn't undergo any major changes since you tested (i think).
    #11 Gunnergrunt, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009
  12. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    personally I never truly loved this because of how long it took. 5 or 6 mins is just too much for me. Nice job anyways on the map, it did get hectic I remember at certain aprts.
  13. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Ell3ment just updated some of the pictures. Less mini chieftains now lol. Just thought i'd let you know in case you want to look at them again. I know i do!

    Sorry you didn't like how long it was, Rabbit. But that was kinda the point!
  14. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    yeah i know, it just wasn't for me I suppose.
  15. IILilNinjiII

    IILilNinjiII Ancient
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    HAHAHAHAHA :p xD.... Anyways nice map. Rly enjoyed playing with xang yang :). I love how legit the end of the video was.... I could not stop laughing... I like the main design and the creativity of it.
  16. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    I really like the design and aesthetics of this map; the multi-leveled, yet modular, design merged into the hill is a really attractive mix. I also like how the map features a central structure, but then also several adjoining "outposts", which are also somewhat defensible. This combination adds a more Firefight feel to the map.

    RidgeSide is one of, if not the best, maps I've seen in this category. Excellent work!

  17. x BirDThEWorD x

    x BirDThEWorD x Ancient

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    I always notice you and Gunnergrunt always Forge a map together, and love the picture.
  18. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Great style, i myself don't enjoy Asset, but i find it to be one of the most creative gametypes out there right now. When it became this popular is beyond me, but it's great to see an aestheticly pleasing map like this one to come out on good ol' forgehub. From the map itself, great job. =)
  19. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks pretty great and i really love your comic at the begin of the post ! Good base and i really love your drop station !
  20. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    This has got to be the best asset map out there aesthetically and gaemplay wise. Obviously the main structure is incredible and when I played this last night and the gameplay was just as good. Hopefully there can be more asset maps like because it truly is a wonderful gametype and can hopefully make its way into matchmaking at one point over the next year. Once again, excellent map, Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt.

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