second BANNERRRRRR I made these Banners/sigs for Rifte Gifles Asset map pack, which I am also participating in. CnC?
2nd is best imo, but I can't even tell that those are ODST But at least you can read what the title says.
Yeah, I couldnt do very much, I blurred the ODST's in the BG, put a BnW gradient on them, added text and border, and adjusted the lighting with lighting effects. all in all, 15 minutes But I wish I could get a Virgil render and an ODST stock without them having Overshields.
I believe that at the part where Vergil opens the door for the ODSTs, he temorarily stops giving shields to the ODSTs, though you'll lose your 'urban' feel that you appear to be going for, since you'll be in a passageway underground.
Yea, it's not your fault because of the overshields it just makes it look like a really poor quality stock =/
What about the elevator right before Coastal Highway. I think you also stop getting shields there as well, and its decently light.