In my own humble opinion, Asset maps need to change. When I play most of them, I feel extremely bored. That's because you camp in one little room and wait for people to attack you when you are the defenders, and bum rush the campers with spike grenades when you are attackers (best strategy I found). That isn't fun. If you take a look at Cave Freaks by Insane54 and Shock Theta, you will see a gametype that closely resembles Asset. However, the map was fun. Why? Because you don't camp. You have to make your way across a path to the destination. This also better represents the ODST experience that Asset is supposedly based on. So, if you want to make an Asset map with great gameplay and fun, make one where you have to continuously move toward the escape point. Or just keep making pointless aesthetic structures that have one camping spot that everyone always hides in during every single round of every single game ever. Your choice.
Actually when you are down below in the cave, in the small room, that is camping city. Sure there is less camping than asset, but nonetheless. So I would say make a straight forward map with no camping. So no timers or such on objects.
Very good debate on Asset Maps. Unfortunately Asset will never change (unless there is a v3 but nothing major would happen) and most people like it the way it is. If you think cave freaks was an extremely fun map (I haven't played it) then do one of the following. 1. Ask the creators to make a sequel 2. Wait for them to make a sequel 3. Create your own version of cave freaks 4. JUST DOWNLOAD THE GAME!!!!!
I cant help but agree with you, Shadow. you make a very good point. I feel the exact same way. Every other asset map is a hold out style and everyone of them can have its system easily beaten, like you were saying. I always end up bored during a match and usually people get bored and start to mess around for example, camping, running away from the base and stranding the asset. These are all aspects that need to be improved in the works and they will, eventually. I am currently working on style of an Asset Map that will incorperate some hold, and some "walking to the destination, Cave freaks style gameplay." I am going to have this map heavily tested so that it has a different feel to asset, hopefully setting a new standard. I like your point on asset maps Shadow. These are the kinds of debates that would really help asset forgers like me and some others. =)
Shaddo you bring up a good point, comparing Asset with Cave Freaks. Spoiler I agree it is an opinion but it allows me to look deeply and compare the two. Which in my equal take sheds towards Asset being in its place of favorites over Cave Freaks. First point being Spawn systems. Cave Freaks starts in a moving fashion desiring the player to seek an objective. In contrast Asset spawns with Droppods and action sending you into ODST style play. "Dropping into hell!" Then later ODST spawn in next to the Asset and continue to join in on the fight. Unlike Cave Freaks with spawns the player in the middle of the field and has backtrack/forward to catch up into the action so both a re-spawn time and a regroup time. So this is a ding on Freaks personally.... Continuing on comparing the two you see that the weapons are lacking in Freaks. The weapon options are limited to only 5.(SMG, Shotgun, Sword Machinegun, Hornet) which makes the gameplay lack and play sluggish once the player masters the character class he is done with changing his method. Asset provides many path ways and mini variations to even the classes that it leads to a mixture of both intentional as well unintentional changes. Great example is in the Covey you have Brute Chieftain, Caption and Jetpack/camo. Which even in the moments of the game can slightly change by the forge. This is what usually makes the gametype better than Freaks. Besides a depth in possible halo story it provides a role-play setting. Where is this in Freaks? I think this is a testiment to both why it is favorite at the moment as well how it has lead to many offspring/variants. Since the gametype was forged to be for a map as appose to compare the other way around the idea feel sort of expanding the way the community forges. It is nice to note they are similar but I would say that Asset still remains better both because it is newer/better forged/ more deep in ideas.
Well, although I love Asset, it does have its ups and downs. The only thing we can really do is try to change it ourselves: that's why there's an 'Asset Spinoff Database,' made by rifte gifle. If you want, you may like my idea for Asset, here:
They're called Escort maps. The type you're describing are called holdout maps. You're right, they do get boring. Escort resembles the Data Hive level the most, because you had to escort Virgil.
This. I can definitely understand what you're getting at, and I'm trying to get more moving "escort" style maps going.
All good points, but I was stating that the gameplay was better on Cave Freaks due to the map. I like the Asset gametype. I'm saying that I would prefer escort maps over holdout maps (thanks for clarifying those). The one drawback of ghost merging is clearly displayed by the people that just make the simple, aesthetic, holdout maps instead of the escort maps which provide better gameplay, imo, but take more planning and skilled map creating.