Hey guys i know ive already posted a preview for this map about a week and a half ago but i wanted to make a new one and delete my old one but i didnt know how so i wanted to apologize for that. onto the map though this is an asset map which by now i believe most people have heard of but incase you havent here is a link to the map preview thread for the asset map pack which has many amazing maps including one of my own =] : "http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/90100-asset-map-pack.html" *Ok but i have done basically everthing i have wanted to do with this im going to show the pics now and discribe what they show and afterwards post what this is basically about, reasons why i did somethings and the innerworkings of the elevator ive put into this, so here are the pics!!: This is an overview of the map, not much to look at from here but pretty nice at the crash site itself. Overview 2, mainly the overview of the crash Crashed cart 1 Crashed cart 2 Crashed cart 3 Closer look at destroyed exit near Cart 3 Ramp that leads towards exit (explained later) Elevator, agian not much to look at but works pretty good and also explained later Ok so those are the pics that i have for right now, i will more than likley either release this much later today or tomorrow sometime depending on how many more testing games i can get in. So now for the basic story you and your team are escorting virgil up the elevator when the covenent attack and destroy the hornet and also blow up the subway tracks and now you must wait for virgil to hack into the security system and open up the door till you can escape you must protect him at all costs. like i said basic, its just to explain what this is based on. ok now for the things that need explaining. The ramp that was shown early leds up to a small room that contains the exit which is blocked my 2 damaged stone colomns which at 3 mins a man cannon spawns to push them out of the way where you can reach the hornet and fly to the destionation point. another thing your prolly thinking is that this is a small map. well all in all it is but when you play it it kinda feels much bigger and also its a hold of map anyways so i didnt want anything to massive like my upcoming map for asset is but i cant say much bout that :O but onto the elevator. the defenders spawn in the elevator and go up 2 levels by grav lifts and when they reach the top the 1st two grav lifts are destroyed making it feel like the elevator drops a little, then after another sec or so the other grav lifts get destroyed and the rest of the elevator crashes ( i have walls and stuff that spawn at 10 secs to make it look and feel like a real elevator) then you must climb out of the elevator and go into the map and hold off for 3 mins. Now for the part that will prolly make most people say o this map sucks! (even though it doesnt and ill explain why after i tell you this) is that virgil can escape the subway station! thats right i said that he can! this is for a few reasons, number 1 is that i wanted virgil to have the feeling of being virgil, having the ability to float and get to places that others couldnt, now if virgil trys leaving the map completley hes going to get destroyed in a few secs anyways, also because i tested this a few times and when virgil was being attacked he had nowhere to go and it was a lil to easy so this way it makes it a lil harder for the covenent to kill him and all and all i dont have enough objects to fully enclose it anyways but gameplay was much better when he was able to move about more. So for those of you that read all of that thank you and sorry if i bored you much, i tried getting in a bunch of details and for those who just looked at the pics also thank you for at least taking a look so please let me know what you think about this before i release this. Is there anything youd like me to change or swap with something else anything is welcomed good or bad but if its bad please at least tell me how you think i could make it better. Thank you for your time. =]
looks good! just a Lil small and vehicle-less which makes me sad but besides that looks really great! and it kinda reminds me of that CoD map in the subways ;-) anyway how did u make the elivator im thinking pallets but that sounds skech well ill see when it comes out
Wihle it's obvious you're not done yet with this, but when I played... idk. It felt smaller for an asset map. Remember ONI:Aftermath? Smaller asset maps don't turn out incredibly well. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt right now, so I'd like to see this when it's fully ready for testing!