Sandbox Asset: Last Bird Out

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Rifte, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Asset Map Pack
    Style: Escort
    8-14 players recommended(even teams)
    Creator: rifte gifle

    The 3rd installment of the Asset Map Pack, Last Bird Out is a bit different than other Asset maps. It is not a holdout map, but an escort style map. This means that instead of the usual stay and camp, you'll actually have to move. There is a definite 'push forward' feel in the gameplay, and fans of conquest are sure to be able to feel it.

    With the recovery of Vergil the engineer, the UNSC now had an expert on the covenant. The engineer was immediately brought back to a military outpost just outside of Voi. The base was heavily guarded, with tunnels that went hundreds of meters into the mountain. The perfect place to protect a high value individual. 2 days after the rescue, the covenant found Vergil's location and assaulted the military base. Marines fought back, but eventually lost their foot hold on the base. An evacuation was immediately called for. The asset was placed deep inside the tunnels, making him one of the last few to escape. Protecting it are a squad of ODST. Now, the only thing standing between the asset and the pelican, are a pack of angry brutes on a mission.

    Click spoiler for edited version of story
    Banner made by rifte gifle, story written by jakob hunter, story revised by rifte gifle.

    The UNSC knew the covenant were ruthless, evil bastards, but recent intel has revealed that they are also anti-green! This means that the HATE recycling. Lead by a ruthless grunt chieftain known as Ling-Ling, the covenant are on a mission to destroy ALL the garbage cans on earth! At the end of their gruesome, polluting campaign, all that stood in between them and success was one last trash can. A squad of ODST and Vergil were pleasantly eating lunch one fine afternoon. At the end of their lunch, there was not a single trash can to be found. How were they going to throw their banana peels, yogurt cups, and brown bags away? They called the Office Of Naval Intelligence on the whereabouts of the trash can. The last trash can on earth was at the very end of a long tunnel protected by the covenant, and their leader, Ling-Ling. Without a moment to lose, they drew straws, and Vergil was the odd man out. He had to carry all the garbage and throw it away. If Vergil was killed by the covenant, nobody could bring the garbage to the garbage can, and technically meaning that the humans have littered a.k.a the end of the world.

    See here for an in depth guide to how Asset works, as well as how to make your own asset maps!

    Escort the VIP to the destination. Be careful not to die well into the map, as it's a long walk and every second of the VIP being left alone is a chance for the covenant get an easy kill.

    Defenders spawn

    It's a long walk

    Rocket spawn

    Sniper spawn

    Kill the VIP, don't let him escape. There are only 2 classes, regular brutes, and chieftain.

    Attacker Spawn
    When you spawn, you will be fall to your death. This is just so you can gain the traits.

    Attacker Weapons
    Chieftain Spawn
    More will spawn as the round progresses.

    The teleporter on the left takes you closer to the defenders start. It will close in 3 minutes. The one on the right will never close.

    Tunnel 1
    Middle, also where the left teleporter exit is
    Last bit before the final strech. This is also where the teleporter on the right leads to
    Last part. Also where the covenant spawn. Watch out for choppers

    Gameplay Video
    YouTube- Asset: Last Bird Out by rifte gifle

    Creator's Comments
    Out of all the maps so far, this is probably the one which received the most testing for. There were many faults with the original version, one of them being a ridiculous choke point. I'd like to thank jakob hunter for helping me place most of the random cover/aesthetics, and HomeTheArless for placing the one cone. This map brings a whole new aspect in Asset maps. Rather than the conventional stay, camp, pray the hornet doesn't get fragged, you actually have to continue walking and pushing to the end. I hope you guys enjoy this.


    Gametype:Asset V2
    Map:Last Bird Out

    Want to learn how to make your own Asset map? Click here!
    #1 Rifte, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  2. HomeTheArmless v2

    Senior Member

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    That cone is no laughing matter. I once heard that it leapt 30 feet into the air, came down, and smashed Virgil right in the head. And then it killed Hitler. No lie.

    And also, lol, watching Drawn Together right now. Ling Ling...

    But on to the map. The atmosphere was great, as I was either always pressured to move forward or to charge at the ODSTs. It was always challenging, and while a win was rare, it wasn't outrageously frustrating. Overall, it was one of my favorites just because of the change of pace from other Asset maps, and as just a good map.
  3. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Finally, you released it. This is probably gonna be my favourite Asset map after Monolith (I still haven't dled it, I'm procrastinating). The use of the hallways to make a path is pretty smart too. I don't forge on Heroic much, but it looks pretty good to me. I'll try to get a game going on it.
  4. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    This all looks pretty solid and while i question some of the gameplay the video did alot to alleviate some of my fears... this is just a suggestion but i got the idea from looking at your title pic (the one with the pelican)...that since it is possible to escape the map and end up on top of the pelican(im not quite sure how bt ive seen it done)...whatif instead of putting the objective at the end where you put it you put it on the pelican then put a teleporter that would send you to the pelican...thus lending to more of an 'escape' feel rather then just 'i made it to the end'... you may have already trye dthis i dont know just putting it out there... i usually dont like non-foundry/sandbox forge maps but this one looks both fun and relatively balanced.
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    It is impossible to get to the pelican without killing yourself. Even teleporting to it will get you killed.

    What seems unique about this Asset map is that you have to constantly move to reach the goal and the game doesn't end at 3 minutes when the hornet spawns. This map doesn't have much of an aesthetic touch, but then again, you can't really get into much aesthetics on this map. Don't know what else to say. Good job, again, and can't wait to see more from you.
  6. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    What are you talking about? All of the barrels, forklift, and such easily add to the map's aesthetics. Well I really enjoyed paying this map personally, felt like conquest but also didn't. I think this will be one of those maps when more and more asset maps get released that will be considered the 'classic' escort and no matter how hard you try, you just can't get it like this.
    #6 TrustierToaster, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  7. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    yay you posted it finally. this is possably my favorite asset map to date. I like how there is always the possibility to succeed with Virgil because of the fact that you are just getting from point A to point B instead of waiting for a hornet to spawn that more than likely will get blown up or stolen by the covenant. the feel to this map is also great because it is on Rats Nest other than the regular sandbox i give this map an A+ or 5/5 great work.

    BTW the Additions you made to my story made me lol :D
  8. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Sheesh rifte, you're on roll! I know that all these were in progress, but you are really staying on top of things. I still haven't played a good Escort Asset map so invite me if you get any games going on this! It was a good call using those secret areas for class spawns and whatnot. Looks super fun!

    I think Asset needs its own posting prefix so everyone doesn't have to keep posting their map as "Asset:____"
  9. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    So far, the is the best Asset map by far. You really took advantage of Rat's Nest's layout and Forge items. By the way, Rat's Nest big circular layout was the perfect map to do this Escort-style gameplay on. To only negative thing I have to say about this map is the zombie spawn. Sorry, but it looks like the weapons in the 10th picture and the teleporters in the 12th were just thrown down. It would make the map look so much more professional if you took the time to line up the teleporters and weapon holders.

    Overall, I give the map an 8.5/10.
    #9 jameslieb1, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  10. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    When I played on this yesterday it was really fun!(the game play video had a completely unfair advantage though :p) If you like asset, but your not sure about this map, I would recommend you try it! It has a very nice change a of game play that gives a good progression feel to the map. The closer to the end you get the harder it gets too. It slowly takes less time for the Covenant to get to you. My only complaint would be the spawns for the humans in which, when you die, you respawn all the way back at the beginning, but I suppose otherwise it would be too easy for the humans. Overall though, it is a definite 5/5! I had a lot of fun playing this and I hope everyone else does too!
  11. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    This was like the best asset map iv every played on. Great Job man, very smooth and btw Rockets ftw take that brute in a chopper.
  12. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + Epic as always with Asset maps!
    + Different from the other ones, its nice not to have to worry about a vehicle spawning.
    + Lots of cover throughout the map.
    + Not having to wait for the hornet means that people that are new to it dont need to ask questions!

    - Nothing I can think of thats nagative.

    Score: 8.5/10
  13. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    I find it disappointing that most people will not download this simply because it's on Rat's Nest. very well thought out, balanced, and most importntly it gives Asset a whole new gameplay aspect. The one thing I hateabout escort maps is dying, and having to go all the way back to the start. Other than that, it's a solid map with stellar gameplay to back it up. Hopefully more of these escort style maps catch on... I like it!
  14. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    OMG THATS ME in the end of that video being the chieftan!!!

    i killed you guys!!!

    and um this is a fun map with many challenges you have to overcome

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