July 5, 2051 13:41 "Ok men, on July 3rd a group was sent out on a mission known as operation: Premise. Along the way their bird was shot down and we had to go in and rescue them. One was lost in the fight, never to be forgotten though. May Pvt. Charlie rest in peace, god bless him. You'll have Pvt. Gavin Williams with you along the way.He knows the most about this and wanted in, he was a part of the former crew and know he's a part of yours. To make this long story short... becuase of the damage the rest of the team suffered they can't continue on with the mission. This means you men must finish what they started. The asset will accompany you along the way, trust me he's a big help. Your going to be grounding near the location of the Desert Highway. We've seen some covenent activity there recently so what they are looking for must be close. We will drop you in and your job is to secure the area. Failure is not an option. Get ready to drop, we're leaving in less than 20 minutes." End Transmission: Commander Reed... July 5, 2051 16:53 "Sir I have good news and bad news. There are no covenent so the area is secure for right now, but it seems they have already started to drill into the ground with something...we've also found some sort of cloaking device, no idea what this could come in handy for. Wait sir, I see something in the distance.....IT'S THEM!! they set us up it's an ambush and the only way out is with our warthog. I'll use the cloaking on the warthog but I don't know how long it will last you have to send in the hummingbird ASAP.......Damnit they destroyed the bridge, Get us out of here NOW!" End Transmission: Pvt. Gavin Williams... Ok well agian theres my story and if you havent read it this is the sequel to Premise. This map has fixed all of the problems that Premise encountered. Just about all of this map is double wide now allowing more epic fights to occur *happy face*. Also this is a warthog escape. At 3 mins the warthog will spawn all you have to do is get in it and floor it off of the ramp from where it spawns! Well enough with me writting and onto the map!!!! Overview Rightside overview Left Overview Defenders Spawn Middle of Bottom Floor Right Over hang(sniper spawn) Top overview Warthog Spawn Underview of Hummingbird Warthog Jump to Victory Front Overview Dowload Map Download Gametype CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ASSET
I've DOWNLOADED THIS AND THE GAME PLAY WAS GREAT. The map is really good the lay out and no camping spots. My friends and I love it. Defaults couldn't really find any. Blood+tears= a great map this took time. I hope to see more and love the asset. LONG LIVE ASSET.
Well thanks, its an old old rap group. Before the era of "My hoe, my nigga" rap. Atmosphere, Ford Two, The woman with the tattoed hands instrumental.
Thank you very much =] let me know whatcha think about the gameplay and thank stealth for the music he picked it out last sec lol Why thank you so very much good sir =] and yes indeed my friend the rap thats going on now....most of it is horrible, some is good but most is horrible.
Nice map. It looks like some effort went into making it. Do you have anything on the Attackers, or just the Defender's base and spawn? Also, do you have a weapons list? Other than those, I have nothing bad to say.
Beautiful. This looks fantastic, and the idea for using a warthog as an escape vehicle is awesome. I can't wait to play this, and try out that warthog jump.
thank you very much for the comments, o and 1 thimg i forgot to mention which ill update the post in a second with is if you go off the jump and the covenent hit your warthog and you dont make the jump becuase of that the VIP can jump onto the front of the hummingbird and drop into the ship to score as well.
Really like this map, using the warthog as the vehicle of escape was a nice change, i dont believe i ever made it to the end though. Anyways very nice map it makes a great addition to the collection of asset maps.
Suggestions/Complaints -Have the weapons stand up on their side. It just makes them more noticeable, and I've already suggested this to you a few times. -Move the jump pack brute. Where the teleporter is right now overlooks the main holdout area, and it's very easy to get an assassination on the VIP. Even worse, the spawn overlooks the ODST spawn from the back making assassinations even easier since most people will pay more attention to the front as the majority of brutes will come from there. Other comments This really is a pretty fun asset map. The 2nd floor is evidently the best area to holdout for obvious reasons. 1)The easy camping spot underneath the ramp. As long as everyone covers it correctly, it's almost a walk in the park. 2)Most of the spawn points are on the 2nd floor. Makes for easy and convenient access to the asset, and as for the spawn points on the 3rd floor, you can easily just drop down. 3)Warthog spawns on the same level. Other than that, I have to say I found your escape option to be the best yet. Not the first escape with a warthog, but easily the most unique, no matter how hard it is to actually land inside the hummingbird.
Dude very nice, Rifte told me you were doing one with a warthog, super nice. I love how you land in the hummingbird. I myself am working on an warthog finish asset map i may be hitting you up for some help with the jump etc. Anyway great map, you got my dl.
Yeah, I love the warthog jump. What I like even more is blowing up the warthog in midair before it gets to the Hummingbird. I just love the aesthetics of this map and it plays well too.
Thank you very much my friend =] yup if you want any help at all for anything hit me up anytime id be glad to help u out
Wow! Nice job with the warthog as the escape vehicle. You probably dont believe me but Ive been working on the same idea with the warthog (NOT ASSET though). Mine was gonna jump into a phantom off a crashed pelican but that didnt turn out too well sadly... but nice look and feel on the map. Good job
Ya that does suck when your on the warthog then it gets blown up in the air....then the asset has gotta run and jump onto the hummingbird to get inside lol still very fun though =] I believe you, a lot of people prolly had the idea but I thought id be the 1st to put it into use because I havent seen it yet but thank you for the comment as well(if you need help on your map let me know ill help out)
ugh i hate not having live. I never even heard of this 16, it looks great though i will have to try it out once i get a new subscription. the humming bird hanger looks a little awkward to me but i love the idea.
This is awesome, when testing it was a blast, thought the upper area where people usualy go to holdout was kind of small and bumpy in some places, its great. I see the resemblance with premise, like you told me. You should invite me for a game or two on this the next time i get on. Awesome job