I have been making this map for about 2 months because I do not spend much time on Halo, but i'm far to lazy to finish it and I need somebody to help me build a Covenent spawn and maybe add more cover ect. I thought I would post some screenshots to get people slightly more interested. Overview of first part Overview of Second Part Overview of Third Part Close up of Human Spawn Close up of The 'Hut' (Just after 1st Checkpoint) Close up of Ending (Its supposed to be an entrance to a mine) If anybody is interested in helping me send me a friend request and/or a message.
You showed this to me while ago. That spider like cave thing? is so awesome! Anyway, for the end (the mine shaft), what if you were to push it right up against the boundary of the desert. Just an idea. Anyway I hope this turns out really well. Im not sure if I will have time to help because I have school and am also getting Bioshock 2.
Yeah I know, I think its awsome too! I know, I want to do that but I like the way It looks and im too lazy to rebuild it. Also it kept deleting my ghost merged objects when I put them right against it. Come on, help, you know you want too ;D (Yeah I want Bioshock 2 aswell, it looks bad-ass)
Ok. Don't worry about it if you havn't any time. It would just be nice not to have to do it myself XD
>:O That looks pretty fantastic, I won't lie. I can already imagine epic moments while crossing the big bridge while being bombarded by wraith fire. Send me an invite if you want sometime, I'd be delighted to see this.
Thankyou =] Yeah, I might sometime. I really cant think where to put the covenent spawn though. I cant put it too far away, so I might give the covenent teleporters closer to the humans or something.. I dont know XD Any ideas?
NICE Ruin, this came out really nice, did you ever make the hornet spawn and blow up with all the weapons, and i will certainly help just message me, god job so far though.
No I didnt, But I still might. Yeah, I'll send you an invite whenever your on and im gonna make you build a Awsome looking spawn for the Covenent :L