- 5min of new Halo 3 Map Assembly by Ace This looks like it could be the best halo 3 map.
oh wow. though from the video, bad spawns? and a little like cold storage, but maybe its just me. cant wait none the less<3
I'm not excited. The playstyle looks pretty horrid. I saw lots of failed jumps. All the wacky geometry makes it impossible to actually get a grenade where you want. Its one of those maps where the worse you play the better you come off in a fight. Bungie seems to have forgot what made Halo so fun. They repeatedly forget that competativeness requires fairness an balance. They try to fool you by making something that looks really pretty, but the fact is it won't support Forge, and it won't support Competative gaming either, its just another map to throw in the pile with Blackout, Cold Storage and Epitaph.
Don't say that name around me.... I actually have no problem with Blackout though. I think it works fine. This map will be fun....but banking grenades is going to be a pain in the ass.
I disagree. Halo is not just about MLG, and not every map needs to please the super competitive players to succeed. I feel that this map will fit in perfectly in Team Slayer and Team Objective, and will supply more then enough satisfaction for the average Halo player. As far as its forge capabilities, I feel what we need, now more then ever, are maps that deliver good gameplay to satisfy the online community. I would love for a new foundry as much as the next guy, but I feel for the sake of Halo's future that maps with good gameplay should come first right now. As it stands there are very few maps in matchmaking that are loved by the majority. In Halo 2, there were many good maps that kept the online community coming back for more, years after the game came out, and currently there are few maps that the community enjoys to the point that it will keep players coming back. We still don't have any maps that rival the popularity of Lockout or Midship, and if Bungie doesn't come out with a map to rival them, Halo may be doomed. I just wish, that when everyone complains about them not coming out with a new forge map, that if Bungie didn't at least try to come out with maps intended solely for the sake of being played on and to keep match making fresh, that the online population would begain to dwindle. The less people there are playing Halo, means there will be less people to download and enjoy our maps.
Not really, I knew a lot of people that hated MLG, myself included, that still enjoyed playing games on those maps in matchmaking and in custom games. Just because MLG likes them doesn't mean that is the only gametype that was ever played on them.
When did anyone imply MLG but you? I never played MLG on Lockout, or on Midship. I played Competative FFA games, They require simplified surroundings, something which this map does not have. All of the geometry is far too complex, and for no reason but to improve the look of the map, something which shouldn't be the most important thing in a competative map.
When you quoted me you used my comment where I said "Halo isn't just about MLG" and then implied that Lockout and Midship were only popular because of MLG. I could see why people would hate the complexity of the geometry, but I really don't think that is any reason to instantly hate the map. So what if you lose a grenade here and there, it won't take away from my fun. In my opinion, the map looks good and looks to play fairly well, maybe not as well as The Pit, but well enough to be considered a decent map.
I'm not going to complain, this map looks like a lot of fun. I like how they are releasing new things. I find it exciting to download new maps. Whining is a waste.
Lol that is nice. I think that this map looks really cool and to me, I think that player just really sucked lol. Sure there were some bad spawns, but maybe Bungie will tweak that a bit just for us.