So, we knew it was coming, and yesterday an image got leaked to IGN. Link to Article Thoughts? It's almost definitely during the American Revolution, and many people are speculating that your character will be heavily influenced by the Native Americans.
I dont think the last two have been as great as the AC2 because they focused a lot on the multiplayer and making the singleplayer rather small. But they have worked on III for three years now apparently so that sounds promising and they said its the greatest ubiderp blah blah game ever. So if its better than Far Cry 3, it must be good. Assassin's Creed III Box Art Revealed - PlayStation 3 News at IGN Box art has been revealed today. I see bayonets > Excited. Revelations spoilers below. Spoiler I also feel like we are going to get a lot of Desmond in this one seeing as in in Revelations how he is now convinced he is an assassin and must stop the world from destroying.
Honestly, I'm gonna be VERY dissapointed if this is gonna be during the Revolution. Probably will. I think this because in the past ACs, it was all packed in buildings next to each other, some even freaking tall to perform Leap of Faiths. At this time in America, there were no cities like that. I like the concept of it taking place during the Revolution, but it might not feel like a true AC.
I was envisioning that problem too. A better alternative could be the French Revolution of 7 years later.
There may not be very large buildings, but revolutionary-era America almost certainly means very diverse and vertically-oriented natural landscapes. waterfalls and cliffs and forests and such. that could be interesting if they pull it off well.
Yeah, IF. Even if they do that well, it still won't feel traditional. Assassin's Creed has always been about climbing buildings and guards on rooftops. I can't picture that in ACIII, so I'm feeling unsure about this game. Edit: Also, if it is gonna be more natural, then they should at least make it so you can climb natural objects like rock walls, waterfalls, etc., unlike previous games.
All of the games have been enjoyable. Who cares? I'll be keeping my eye on this one. The new setting certainly sounds interesting.
I'm staying neutral on this one. I could see some really cool action and storyline concepts, but at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire thing turns out to be pure trash. I think I'm most interested because I'm from around Boston and wouldn't be surprised if this character was behind some of the major events that occurred on in the places that I constantly walk by. I could see this character being behind/involved with the Boston Tea Party, the Boston Massacre, and gets behind some major battles like Lexington & Concord while he goes around the original colonies.
I almost certainly see there being much different things landscape-wise. We'll be climbing trees and rocks much more often than buildings, which actually sounds pretty dope to me. If the Ancestor is of native american descent that would be cool. You would get trained by your tribe with a bow, hatchet, etc. I could also see you traveling into England and starting some **** there. also, not sure if real
New screenshots: Looks much more open. The last picture especially shows more "climbing" the landscape rather than buildings.
I'd be more psyched for this game than previous iterations. I've played and own all AC games excepting Revelations, and they were all great, but became too similar in their execution. Shaking things up by adding new environments is definitely something that would get me back on board with the Brotherhood. And here's hoping there's going to be different gameplay mechanics as well. Notably, it looks as if you'll be able to climb trees and, based on conjectural pondering, cliff faces etc, but it also looks like you'll be able to hunt animals, so perhaps selling skins and meat will be worked into the currency earning system. Given the Native American vibe I'm getting, perhaps you'll actually be more in tune with nature this time around, and can possibly own an eagle to do your bidding, like sell small inventory items back at town whilst you're out in the wilderness, or even for limited reconnoitering over an unknown area.
I'll be really psyched if you can climb natural landscape in this one. My main problem with ACIII was not being able to climb a bunch of objects, since this is a more natural setting.
This is honestly the first AC that has actually interested me due to its setting. Seems cool, might pick it up.
While I was at work a co-worker was like the new Assassins Creed is going to take place during the revolution. To which I replied "That sounds dumb" and then he showed me the pictures posted above. I'm intrigued.
I'm curious to see how they interweave the Templars and the Brotherhood into the history of the Revolution. I hope its not just "Brits are lead by the Templars, and Indians and americans are the good guys". I want to feel like they wrote a great story, and to have moments were I feel liked they pulled something on me I didn't see coming... something they haven't done with recent iterations.