Assassin's Creed 2: The Truth and what it means

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    The Truth is part of Assassin's Creed 2, what I am about to talk about contains very large spoilers so beware.

    Ending video
    YouTube- Assassin's Creed 2 Ending

    I take it you have played the game if you are reading this. Ok so here is the Truth
    YouTube- Assassin's Creed 2: The Truth (HD)

    The binary code at the end spells out Eden incase you are wondering. Ok so this is the Garden of Eden, an advanced society but something is wrong. Adam and Eve have "the Apple", which is a piece of Eden, and are attempting to escape. Why to the roof? I have no idea, but thats not important. Now as they are climbing up you get a glimpse into a room through a window in which you see people working and another piece of Eden. These people are being controlled by this piece of Eden by one of the evil people mentioned at the end of the game by that god (well she isn't really a god, she is probably a pan-dimmensional being that probably didn't exist in all the dimensions we do, I'm going to call them gods because its just easier). So Adam and Eve are escaping and are on the side of the gods. But Eve took the apple because that snake convinced her to? Wrong the history was written by those who had the pieces of Eden, and I believe that the spirit of these people sort of died out and became the Templars. Adam and Eve are the ancestors of the assassins, the good people. Now I'm guessing that this catastrophe that happened back in Adam and Eve's time could be caused again if the Templars gain hold of all the pieces of Eden. Probably because the ideas and spirits of the bad guys will take control of them somehow. Why make the pieces of Eden? The god at the end says they were misunderstood, perhaps they were made to communicate between the gods and humans, allowing people to see the gods in a way humans can comprehend them. (Ezio was holding a piece of Eden, the Apple when he was talking to the god.) Unfortunately these pieces of Eden can be used for other things like mind control and creating false realties in people's minds. I mean even WWII (according to Subject 16) was not what it appeared to be. I'm going out on a limb here and suggesting that the holocaust may have been actually having those in the prison camps searching for more pieces of Eden.

    Ok I've just thought of something else. The people seen in the Truth building something were working on the Tower of Babble or whatever it really is. That is the device that caused the disaster and the Templars are going to foolishly activate it with all the pieces of Eden if given the chance.

    These are my theories, what do you think?

    Now wasn't the ending awful, I'm talking about where the Doctor from Abstergo drives away in the truck. I mean why not just run up and kill the guy? They had time. I think it could have been carried out better.

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