Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Description: This is a map i made for games of 2-6 people where half are invisible and can only make kills by assassinating people and the other half are slower w/ 200% gravity and shotguns. My inspiration for this map was a splinter cell map i played. I tried to make changes to make it different and unique with my own map. Gametype description: Both teams try to eliminate each other. Everyone has only one life per round. Humans are the ones that have shotguns and are slow w/ 200% gravity. They start off in the middle of the map. The infected have good camo and can run around the map picking up items to throw off the humans from catching them. They start at the four corners of the map. The items on the map include- radar jammers, flares, and a bubble shield. Infected do have pistols but cant do any damage. This gametype is different from the splinter cell gametype because they are fully invisible, which gives them more of a chance, and they don't have to pick up any packages. Pics... Here are some overview pics i took of the map. This building is the starting point for the humans The bottom of this building contains a somewhat hidden area on the other side. Here is one of the infected spawns from an outside view This is what it looks like inside the spawn Here is another infected spawn behind a building Here is a third infected spawn that is inside a buildings restroom Here is what happens if u try to shoot the humans as an infected Here is a good example of baiting the humans into a trap Other notes: i hope u like the map and if u want to change any of the gametype to make it more fun u can. There is only one known way out of the map and it was found when i was testing it, but may not be easy to find... it lets u on top of the buildings. Be sure to leave suggestions and yes there is interlocking in this map.
Looks like a fun map, pretty smooth too, nice job on interlocking that fence box. I'm a big fan of infection games, so I will download soon. This looks like one of the more strategical infection games also. Good job, 7/10
did you interlock at all in this? cause if you didnt then thats pretty cool cause the map looks pretty neat and it looks like its interlocked but i dont think it is
map design and game type looks great and imsure it plays well but the map is in some need of help forinstance in the corners geomerging would make everything neater and some interlocking would make the map smoother and look better
Map looks a bit wobbly in places like it is going to fall apart, even though it is unmovable. Other than that it looks ok. Keep it up!
Hmm...I've made a gametype where you have to assassinate people before. The maps were difficult to make properly because of one thing, which I fear you have forgotten: If a human backs up into a corner, and looks up so zombies can't jump up on their head, they can't be assassinated.
I think that this is a really cool idea. The map looks good, and it seems like it would play very well with the gametype. Good job. 4/5.