
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hari, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    By: Hari

    Story of Aspiration:

    The base Codenamed Aspiration was the first Forerunner Structure to be captured and fortified by the UNSC as a military outpost. Recently it has come under heavy assault by enemy Covenant Forces. These forces wield stolen UNSC vehicles taken from the remains of other battles. Aspiration represents an important foothold in the continuing war. It must be protected at all costs.

    Where the name Aspiration came from:
    I named this map Aspiration because it has the word 'spire' in it which is basically what my map is and it reminds be of ascending a tower which is exactly what you are doing.

    The making of Aspiration:
    This map kind of came out of nowhere. I was forging with my friends who had never forged before and the map was horrible. But, i liked the idea, so i remade the whole thing in awesome mode. I didn't think it would be anywhere near a decent map anyways, so i didn't use the unlimited money glitch and i didn't build the base in a very good place. However, i have managed to do what i can to make this map the best possible with what i have. Some of you have asked why i have the Colorblind filter on. This is because i despise the ugly flashy colors of the boxes. This is also because it makes the map look slightly more snowy.

    About Aspiration:
    Aspiration is a four-story structure with six entrances on the ground floor. Three of these entrances are stacked crates that can be knocked down to gain entry to the base. The other three are open-boxes. The second and third floors are made of open-boxes and bridges encircling the perimeter of the base. The fourth floor consists of four outlooks: one on each side. To reach the fourth floor you must use the teleporters on the third floor.

    There are actually two bases on this map but one of them is the Avalanche default with some tweaks. This map is deseigned primarily as an assymetrical map and is set up for Slayer, KOTH, Capture The Flag and Assault. Vip and Juggernaut can also be played on this map.

    Weapons (All that i can remember anyways....)

    Spartan Laser x1 (Symmetrical only)
    Rocket Launcher x1 (Assymetrical only)
    Needler x1
    Missile pod x2
    Shotgun x2
    Brute Shot x1
    SMG x2
    Sniper Rifle x3
    Plasma Pistol x2

    Hornet x1
    Banshee x1
    Wraith x2 (one is symmetrical only)
    Warthog x4 (two are symmetrical only)
    Ghost x1
    Mongoose xAlot.

    Now that you've read all the useless information that you could want, have some pics.

    Base Floor (I know the crates make it look uneven)

    Floors two and three (Flashing orange things on teleporters point to which section of floor four they lead.

    Floor four

    The spartan laser spawns on that funny lookin platform in symmetrical games.

    The hornet spawns on the platform next to the mongooses. (sorry it isn't there.)

    A warthog spawns in each regular area but faces inwards. A wraith spawns where the hornet usually spawns; in the middle.

    Two warthogs and a wraith spawn around back in Symmetrical games. A banshee spawns on the third floor in the front.

    Edit: I forgot to mention this before but as i said this is best for asymmetrical gametypes in which the awesome base is defending. Also, i thought i might mention a strategy:
    You can use the Hornet to drop the bomb carrier or just a guy through the hole in the top of the awesome base. All the objectives are right below there.

    I hope you like my map!

    IF someone says there is no download link i am going to scream.
    #1 Hari, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  2. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i would put the DL link in red so it is see able any way wow this is a really good map the 2 pic looks like someone made it in foundry this is a really good map great job on it 5/5
  3. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Great Map! this is the best non foundry base I've seen so far on FH. 5/5 good job
  4. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    very nice map! nice gameplay, but a little open, even if it is avalanche. i think that you also need to (just a little) straighten up the big middle structure. 4/5
  5. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    That base looks really good, but is it played in black and white? Usually fillers are only supposed to be used to make things darker as time goes on, or for screenshots. It's hard to play with them on in my opinion.
  6. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    5/5 is all that I need to say; but out of non-spaming purposes I'm obliged to say good job you rojck my sojcks
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I can agree with that, Killnon. This map kind of came out of nowhere. I was forging with my friends who had never forged before and the map was horrible. But, i liked the idea, so i remade the whole thing in awesome mode. I didn't think it would be anywhere near a decent map anyways, so i didn't use the unlimited money glitch and i didn't build the base in a very good place. However, i have managed to do what i can to make this map the best possible with what i have.

    Oh, and Zander, i put colorblind on because i didn't like those ugly colorful boxes. It doesnt effect gameplay much though.
  8. Th3Bl4ckKn1ght

    Th3Bl4ckKn1ght Ancient
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    The map looks cool but i suggest that next time you dont use any color filters for the pics.
  9. darth ky

    darth ky Ancient
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    I like it. The interlocking is unique, along with the entire structure. The forging is quite interesting. I'll dl. 9/10, just cause I don't give 10's. I don't think. Keep up the forging.
  10. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    That structure looks really cool in the last pic. Good job with your interlocking and layout of that base.
  11. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    This is an awesome base! Loads of great interlocking was put into making it and the vehicle spawns you have altered seem quite effective. The random structures here and there actually create strateigic 'bases' as there is either a power weapon or hornet their. That's a good thing, don't worry.

    Nice weapon changes too. They seem more, colourful. It's a 4/5 from me :D
  12. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    this map looks great. the main structure is just simply an eye opener. you did a great job making the structure flat on an unflat surface. i find the color filters to be annoying tho 8/10
  13. Elite Ruler

    Elite Ruler Ancient
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    great map dude it must have taken forever to merge all of those boxes but it was worth it.5/5 keep it up
  14. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    this looks like a fairly good map. It makes Avalanche feel smaller than it is because only one side is used. I'll DL and be back with a review
  15. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    he used colorblind so that all the different colored boxes wouldn't look ugly, and i bet if he did'nt use it you would have said he needed to... ahh i said it so don't bother him about it any more it was a good choice on his part.

    by the way i really like how you used avalanche instead of the oh-so bland foundry, way to many maps have been made on foundry and i think your map is a nice change of pace and its really funny to hear what people say when you drop the bomb carrier in the top.
  16. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Looks like a fun map to play, but seen it is on Avalanche, I suggest putting some more cover here and there in the snow.
    Nice Interlocking, great map, like it.
  17. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I remember you showing me this. It is fun and the bases are pretty cool and well made. This is definately a fun map.

    The team on offense should start by the bomb though. When you showed this to me the attackers had to go back and get it. Overall the map is fun though 4/5
  18. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Sorry, but if you had read my wall of text, i have exactly 0$ left in my budget. I didn't expect this map to be that good, so i didn't use the Unlimited money glitch.

    There are spawns in multiple places for the attackers. Most of these are actually inside the base. Because your team only had three people, you happened to spawn all outside.
  19. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    i love the circular feel of this map when i dled a few hours ago its cool the only thing i saw was that people can run anywhere in the map and it sucks. gameplay wise this would be fun if the game play stayed in and around the circl structure for like 1v1 or somthing maybe if theres a v2 you could block it off.
  20. prepare4legend

    prepare4legend Ancient
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    wow that map looks amazing really good structure and wud be really fun on assymetical game types ill love to download 4.8/5 (could be a little neater)

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