
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Myztic, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. Myztic

    Myztic Ancient
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    Asperity is a small efficient map, that gives players a chance to enjoy high ground, as well as underground gameplay. Pillars and shields are placed carefully so that players can use them when in need. Asperity also has a variety of weapons which players can use for advantage. This is a symmetrical map with plenty of interlocking and geomerging. Asperity has an original layout, which also creates balanced gameplay. I was aiming to make this a 2v2/ smaller oriented party size map. This map combines the variety of weapons, original map layout and overall balanced gameplay to give you a map worth checking out.


    Carbine x 2
    Plasma Pistol x 1
    SMG x 2
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    Battle Rifle x 2
    Shotgun x 1
    Bubble Shield x 1
    Shotgun x 1
    Plasma Grenade x 4
    Spike Grenade x 1


    • Slayer
    • CTF
    • KotH
    • Territories
    • Oddball


    Top Main

    Middle Main [SIZE=-7]Edit: There is no camo! I will update the pictures when I get a chance[/SIZE]

    Bottom Main [SIZE=-7]Edit: Sword is removed, and Sniper is on Fence platform! I will update the pictures when I get a chance[/SIZE]

    Top Mid [SIZE=-7]
    Edit: There is no camo! And sniper is moved to bottom mid! Plasma pistol replaced sniper rifle. I will update the pictures when I get a chance[/SIZE]

    A Base

    B Base

    Base Top View


    Running up the stairs!

    Grab the terratory quick!

    Rushing the base


    I would like to thank the Testing Guild for helping out! [SIZE=-7]Sorry if I forgot anyone[/SIZE]
    Thanks to: Whats A scope, that worm, Kn1ghtBoy, and DeceitfulPillow.

  2. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    By the looks of this map, it seems like its a small-medium sized range. It looks quite well. The forging looks flawless, and it appears to have a good weapon assortment. I can't really see anything wrong with this map. People will say they don't like the idea of shield doors and maulers though. Me on the other hand, I enjoy it. Its just like common knowledge; just don't run at the headlights of a car. Just like if you see the mauler's light on it, don't run at the guy. Nevertheless, it seems like it would be a fun map and all, but it's just not what I would normally play. I play some really odd, yet fun maps for myself and my friends. We enjoy the odd/strange maps. I wish I could give you an example right now, but unfortinually I can't. So your probably wanting me to say what is wrong with the map right? Well quite honestly I would have to say nothing is wrong with this map. It seems like you made it just the way you wanted to make it, I just don't see anything that strikes my eye. So I guess make or put something in this beast and make it a gigabeast with some amazing object or thing in the map. Sorry, that is just because I'm a weird person who only comments on maps that are good. I've been on forge hub for like a year with only like 60 posts. I'm on everyday, I just choose not to comment simply because I'm too good for that. Again, great map, keep up the good work, and I hope to see some abnormal maps from you my good sir. I believe you would have an art at making abnormal maps. Good Luck in the future sir/maam.
  3. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    Nice map! I really like enclosed maps they always look great, especially this one. It's wierd, i'm currently forging a map that looks like this except smaller. Will DL, excellent job 5/5 from me!
  4. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    I kinda got a headache from the pictures. Everything looks put together very tight. I will probably download and that will give me more of what the layout is. I am very confused about the map right now.

  5. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    This map reminds me of Snowbound a bit. Anyway nice forging and seems to have a well chosen weapon layout. 5/5 This also looks like a good MLG map. You ought to make a version with MLG standards.
  6. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    Great looking map! The interlocking appears flawless and I really like the underground section made by interlocking the bridges. The map seems mid-sized and the gameplay looks solid. 5/5
  7. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Wow two great posts in a row! The map looks really smooth but like Mutual said it looks really cramped. Maybe if you deleted the roofs for your pictures you would get some better shots. The selection on weapons, I think, is just perfect for this kind of map though. Great Job!
  8. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    I like it! I seems to have it's own feel to it. Mainly because it's enclosed. Interlocking looks smooth and gameplay looks fun. I will try and find space on my fileshare. 4/5
  9. Myztic

    Myztic Ancient
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    I will upload a short video of the map in just a moment.

    Thanks for all the comments guys! I am trying out new map layouts etc, thanks for all the support! ^_^
  10. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    nice map great interlocking by the way where are the territorys lockated? i think this is sweet so u toke the sword off the the map complelely? very nice i like the sjild doors and the over all map 4/5 nce iv play on it and it rocks thanks and keep it up
  11. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    hey nice map i like the idea of it being enclosed, with the stairs down to the bottom, it seems pretty basic maybe the basement thing should be more covered with some interlocked fencewalls into the part where the bridges and the sword are that would make it preety cool
  12. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Hey i downloaded 2 maps and this was one of them.This map is almost flawless and has absolute great interlocking and merging.I tested ths map just then and it is very well built and has great gameplay.It could use less sheild doors because they seem to get in the way a little to much.It could also have a little better weapon placement and a few more weapons at the best.This map is really good and I hope to see more maps from you in the future.
    I give this map a 4.8/5
  13. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    The map looks pretty intense for 2v2.

    Some questions:
    1. Why did you put only 1 spike grenade? It's better to put them in pairs sometimes.

    2. Why didn't you just took your pics again?

    About the first pic in the 'Main', try replacing the barriers with some interlocked walls or fence walls to make it look better.
  14. Myztic

    Myztic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the suggestions, I will make a version 2 and try some things out.

    1. Well, it's an enclosed map, and spike grenades shoot shards everywhere when they explode, so I thought it would get a bit hectic if someone grabbed 2 stickies, and 2 spikes. Although, if I put them near each other, but on different sides...hmm, lol I will look into it.

    2. School interferes with me and my xbox unforunately. And just for the record, no, my parents don't banish me from it..I just have a lot of homework and I can't always get on, [size=-7](such as to take screenshots)[/size]. I will try and get new pics up ASAP!

    Also, thanks for the wall/barrier suggestion!

    And thanks to everyone else for the comments! ^_^

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