Okay this should not be very hard to explain. I will tell you how you can do it with only 2 save and quits. this easy technique can easily be used to create incredible looking interlocks as seen in Corruption's Olympian even with the slanted edges of avalanches boxes. To start this interlock you will need to start out with the box that is going to have another box interlocked with it. in other words your "base box". Take this base box and spawn another double box. Place it on top of the base box in around the middle area. Now take another box and using the save and quit method and save and quit it so that it is parallel to the small side. The face with the opening in the occasion of an open-box. Now use a respawn point and put it just past where the slanted edges level out. This will be your guide. Now set the base box so that it doesn't spawn at start and start a new round. Head on over to where your interlock is going to take place and grab the box you are interlocking. Bring it over just enough so that the respawn area starts to touch the end of the double box. In other words when the respawn makes contact with the end of the boxes slant save and quit it into place. Once the box spawns it will be perfectly flat and the bump will no longer exist. And that is how some of the amazing forgers make flat floors on avalanche and blackout. if this post was confusing or wrong please post here telling me and I will update my answer and tell you when it is updated. ~forgegod117~
Yeah like four weeks ago. And I belive that since thi thing has started i have answer a good amount of questions.
I would have to say that it depends on how serious your map is. If you are making a map that you want to get featured for sure i would have to recommend a combination of the two. For example, in order to get that perfect geomerge that many people strive for all the time I would go insane with teleporters using all your receiver nodes until you are sure that it is not going to go anywhere. Once your box is already braced take your four man cannons and place them leaning up against the double box so that it will push the box up into its doors. This allows for a perfectly flat, controlled geomerge every time. What many people don't realize is that just using the save and quit will make the merge relative the the others around it. Using man cannons will push the box to the exact height you want it preventing most flaws in geometry. ~forgegod117~
Well, thanks... Sorry I should have been more specific. I know of the man cannon technique for geo-merging. Now that i think about it I'm not surprised you might not know what i was talking about, its a less common known forging technique. When I said "man cannon technique", I meant when you push one object into another with two or more man cannons and the object that you push gets stuck there. You can then remove the man cannons and the brace. This just lets you get an object where you want in any position without the hassle of save and quit. Sorry for the mix up. Thanks!
If you want boxes on a slant like this: I have the easiest method ever. It took me about 1h 30mins tops to make that wall with all the geomerges and proper spacing. I know what I am talking about. Although I'd like to explain, it's easier if I just show you. Send me a game invite sometime soon, and I'll show you. I know your using Olympian as an example of great interlocking because in the pictures they look good, but when you look at them in person they are rather sloppy. The map's interlocking was great on one side, but then it seemed as if he couldn't be bothered to properly interlock the other side, and just quickly did the job. - Toxic Spade
Some Float tricks. Cool thread! Some of the things I do in forge are a little unorthodox, I am a mostly self taught forger. A good friend named Kaya Man showed me the budget glitch, and an early way to geomerge. He also showed me the coolest things I've ever seen in forge. This was last spring and it involved using a lag switch in forge to create these insane abstract art works in the air of Avalanche. He could never truely control where things ended up, but in 5 minutes he would create these impossible unhumanly interlocked Picasso's! You would have to see it to understand. He was a TRUE LOYAL. But back to my point, I'm pretty stuborned so some of the things I now use to my advantage were at one point some of my biggest hurdles. Take for instance forge glueing, the first map I built was under Black Out. Its here on FH somewhere, I called it Fall Out I rebuilt that piece of **** 4 times and it still sucks. But when I made it I had no idea that I could simply hold an object in mid air and just save it! My stupid ass spent 2 months forging with two controllers trying to cement objects by balancing them on top of another object. I mean ****en DUMB ASS! I did it though I finished that map! Having the perspective of multiple angles though I no longer float cement, is critical to keeping things close. I almost always forge in split screen. If you use both and get used to it, you will find multiple advantages over forging with one. For instance If you plan to build a map outside the elastic barrier of a map then you must chart and mark the death barrier wich is beyond that. Unless you are sure what you want to build will fit, and havent budget glitched any thing because if you are holding a budget glitched item where it can fall like the oceans of Black Out and you explode on the death barrier you have to end without saving or you will lose that item from the item max limit. So to limit my deaths I will fly one orb close to where I think the barrier is, then with the other controller I will spawn a wall then use it to push the other orb slowely until it blows up then I stop the wall and save it now I know where it is. It is true when you spawn a box in air unless you rotate it it is perfectly flat. The problem is more then likely you need to spin it, flip it, turn it and roll it. If I have to reinitiate plumb what I will do is not only compare angles but place something that rolls in the exact center of the box Im holding when it wont roll its level. Also use frames, I usually frame three sides of what ever I interlock. Reason being, for the closest interlocks I have found inserting doors as a marker for the exact spot on the box I have turned off, say the slant of the box that I want to interlock. There is a small space between your box and the door but if you compensate for that it is consistant. I keep one side open so I can make sure the item is flat against the frame, it can trick you! But other than that color codeing is straight foward there is no easy way. Its a crap shoot till you start a new game, then if it is the color you want don't touch it or its a crap shoot again. So what ever you build think it through there are a lot of things that can stand in your way, dont let bad planning be one of them. Know what you want to do, make it worth your while because its a difficult time consumming task. And if you want to make it self contained its that much more of an unforgiving enviornment. I Hope that helped someone! I just thought I could share some of the things that made life alot easier on my build. Peace Public
Very interesting question Zeppelin! I have thought about this one for some time and I believe I have reached my conclusion. Start out by merging your boxes to the general height of your floor. Just merge it like any other boxes. When your box is merged to the general height go in on one box and brace the box down really, REALLY good. It is important that you brace them well or it will not be perfectly flat. Now once the box is braced up place the box to the height you want the floor to be and save and quit it above the box. Now you can use all eight man cannons and lean them up so that they will push the box up to the floating box. Grab the lower one and it should be perfectly flat. Now take the braces of this box and repeat on the other ones. ~forgegod117~
Aha!!! yet another good question. Ladders have been done before but the best way to do it is as follows. Stand a double box up vertical where you are going to place your ladder. Now take your staircase and push the top against the box so that it is also perfectly vertical and you should have the perfect angle for your staircase. delete the double box. Now you should put two weapon holders parallel with the bottom angled part of the stairs. This way you will have a guide for later on. Now set the stairs to not start at start and the respawn time to like 60 seconds. Start a new round. When the round starts head on over to where your weapon holders are and set a double box behind where you want the ladder to be. When the box spawns your ladder will only be slightly sticking out from the double box and will look all the more realistic. Set the box to not start at start and place a wall on the side of the double box so that it is about two walls lengths away from the top of the stairs. Now start a new round and line up another wall so that it is interlocked with the double box in a perfect line with your guide wall. Now before your stairs spawn angle a man cannon up against the wall on the side in which your working ladder will be added. When the stairs spawn test it out and see if it works. if it doesn't please post here and I will check to see where I went wrong. the rest is up to you. If you want to I suggest angling a wall at the top so that when you use the ladder it ricochets you where you want. And you can also decorate it so that it fits in more. The possibilities are endless. \\:RESOURCES:// How to make a working ladder in halo 3 forge (video)
I never thought I would have to turn to you Forgegod117 but here it goes... 1.) How do you geomerge a double box so it is barely showing, like on Grindstone? 2.) How do you geomerge multiple objects so that they are all at the same height? If you answer the said questions, you are my hero! I didn't bother checking this thread to see if they had been answered yet, but I did check all over the site and could not find anything on this.
I asked the second one on and he answered on the previous page. But why? Just for the aesthetics? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It was a waste on Grindstone, Renegade and I can't think of others. There's just no reason.
1) -There really isn't much reason to do this except or aesthetics but i will tell you anyway. You will geomerge it just like any other object. Use man cannons though or else it will turn out strange. What I would suggest is you brace the crap out of it until it isn't going anywhere. Now set up your man cannons and geomerge it about half way with doors. Once you have done this try going under the map and getting braces down there using a second controller. Now get your man cannons under there to push it up more. Set the box to not spawn at start and place a window panel on its side on the ground inside the box. Now place a double box on top of this one so you have your height set. When you do the geomerge it should get it half of a windows thickness above the ground. Like I said earlier it is not useful except for aesthetics. However it is a good way to draw attention to power weapons. Not sure if i answered this one as well as somebody like oh say cosmic rick could but if you are willing to take the time this should work. 2) -Refer to comment 25 for more info.
I could add something on to this. There are many quirks with this method i have found which can lead to intense frustration. 1. When trying to reach a certain colour you can either be very lucky or very unlucky. You can find that no matter how many times you save and quit a box it will always stay the same colour. I believe this is caused when you save it in exactly the same potion and in the same way. To counter this i have found that you should hold the box from a different angle or not hold the box at all. For example you may keep getting a red box when pushing it up against the braces. To counter this you could try pulling the box into the braces from the other side. 2. I have also found that a certain colour will appear more often when many boxes are the same colour, though this may just have been my luck.
True, I found this when I was building one of my recent maps. As well, if you place a box that's of the colour intended beside the box you want to change colours that usually helps too.
The answer is actually more obvious than you would think. I asked this question a few weeks ago and the answer is not some super complicated special forging technique. However it does involve under-map braces. Firstly you must set the box like found in the resource tab so that you have your angle. Once you have your angle you can brace all the sides except for the top and bottom down with teleporters and weapon holders. It would help if you place man cannons because this geomerge will sink and entire end of the double box below foundry. Now that you have your angle, braces, and man-cannons I suggest you use the door method 2 times. Now I would place a door and put a tele up against one side of it. Set the door to not spawn at start and place a double box that also does not spawn at start. In order to get your under-map braces you will first have to quickly move your teleporter to where the door is spawning. Now go wait where the box is spawning and use that technique to get under the map. (Just switch into a monitor when the box spawns. Now go to your teleporter and place one in the corner that is sticking below foundry. Repeat for the other three visible sides but not the bottom. Now go back up top by just switching into human mode and simply dieing so that you will respawn. when you respawn just use the door method the rest of the way. It should work out if you know what you are doing. Resources Spoiler
Okay, i'm going to cheat, can i ask forgegod to follow the link at the bottom of my sig, we're making a **** zombie map, and i could use all the help i can get. I just figured, you've got all the info of advanced forgeing techniques, and i thought you'd know what would help the map, before we finalise a map. Thanks.