Ascensore (Version 2 - 01/09/09) Ascensore Download: Version 2 (01/09/09) Version 2 updates/changes/fixes/additions: -Walls cleaned up -Ceiling added -One more spare clip added to Needler -Teleporters to hold elevator switched with weapon holders -More spawn points added Description: Ascensore is a circular arena map for smaller skirmishes. It utilizes a simple elevator which leads to the power weapon floating above the map. But, using the elevator comes at a cost; a grenade. Control of the elevator and lower level is key on Ascensore, and it can bring out the best (and the worst) of a two man team. Some great elevator-ride stealing moments will ensue as well... Don't forget to thank your dead enemy for the free ride up! Gameplay: 2 vs. 2 Slayer: Two on two is the original format intended for Ascensore. Hectic battles ensue in the race for the Rocket Launcher. 1 vs. 1 Slayer: One on one is another great gametype for the map, it's the perfect size for a showdown. Again, the Rocket Launcher is key. 2 vs. 2 King of the Hill: Two on two King of the Hill is a great way to exagerate the power weapons in the map, and puts good use to controlling the floor area and the elevator. 2 vs. 2 Territories: Again, two on two territories is another great way to show your prowess at controlling the elevator and foor areas. 1 vs. 1 vs. 1 Slayer: Three person free-for-all is a highly recommended game variant for Ascensore. Looking for a quick, hectic match? The three person free-for-all is where it's at. Weapons/Equipment: [x2] Battle Rifle (Respawn: 30, Spare Clips: 1, Start: Yes) [x1] Covenant Carbine (Respawn: 45, Spare Clips: 2, Start: Yes) [x1] Needler (Respawn: 30, Spare Clips: 2, Start: Yes) [x1] Rocket Launcher (Respawn: 60, Spare Clips: 0, Start: No) [x1] Shotgun (Respawn: 30, Spare Clips: 1, Start: Yes) [x4] Frag Grenade (Respawn: 30, Start: Yes) [x2] Plasma Grenade (Respawn: 10, Start: Yes) [x1] Bubble Shield (Respawn: 90, Start: Yes) Screenshots: Overview of Ascensore. Overview of lower area. Overview of top area. Fight for the ride up! Tossing a grenade to bring the elevator down. Can't hide from this! Battle on the mid-ground. Fight for the top area! Special Thanks: Big thanks goes out to Condawg (Gamertag: Condawg123) for the help with testing and ideas on the map. Without this guy, Ascensor would not be.
Lots of fun to play on. I've got a few additional screenshots from the same match coming up. EDIT: Alright, seven in total. Great way to secure your ride. Don't trip... Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo! (Different angle) Jumping across platforms... The name's Bond... James Bond. Hi, mom! A few of my shots are the same situation from a different angle, and most of them don't really provide any overview on the level or features, but they're fun.
This looks cool, very cool. The elevator is sorta like the one in moon waffle (the concept not how it works). The interlocking is clean and it's just screaming originality Woot first post
We just played a new round... Getting some more screenshots on the way. For now, here's one. I'll edit in the others in a bit. Thanks for the ride, buddy. Edit: Alright, just one more screenshot for now. Heads up... (I really like this one because it shows the concept of protecting the top portion of the map)
Looks pretty good, I'll download and play a couple FFA games on it. Actually seems to be fun, I've played maps like this, with the random chaos and constant battles. They aren't feature worthy, but make for a fun, hectic match.
The walls on the side needs to be higher they are easy to NAde jump and or crouch jump, but other than that great map, clean geomerging, and interlocking.
Now for a post with no images, just comments... Seriously guys, this is a great map. I had no hand in making this, other than suggestions, so I'm not endorsing something of my own, but Italyun really did a nice job on this. Really clean merging, and great times. I definitely prefer this map for one on one. I love one on one matches... It's much more personal.
Did you say this isn't your map? if it is not, then you need to include the gamertag of the person who made it in the OP. Still, this seems like another Moon Waffle, with a smaller area to fight in. it seems escapeable, and there are a few places where interlocking could've been better. maybe a few ramps, instead of ledges to jump on would be nice. It's extremely late for me (3:42 EST), so I'll DL and do a forgethrough tomorrow.
No, this is entirely mine. (And yeah, a few other people have mentioned that you may be able to grenade jump out so that will definitely be fixed soon.) And, to clear this up, the idea for the map was not in any way, shape, or form, taken from Moon Waffle. Not to take away from that great map or anything, but I repeat, I was not intending to steal the idea.
This map is quite good except for a few bad error in interlocking. I like how you literally wanted to geomerge everything. But it really made your floors bumpy. Also you probably need to redo the elavator cause it looks terrible with those teleporters there. Maybe carve a cubby into the wall and do the same concept except with walls to block incoming fire. It looks like gameplay might also be screwed up by your weapon placement....... Shotgun with a 30 second respawn...... Rockets with a 60 second respawn. Fix it. And yes this map is very breakable. You should completely enclose it so it looks nice instead of just making the walls higher.
I wanted the elevator to be exposed to everything, the fights on the elevator are a big part of this map. If anyone has another idea to build the shaft while keeping it exposed, let me know. The gameplay is actually fine with the weapon settings, what settings would you rather? The Rocket Launcher is on a high respawn because otherwise it's just too overpowered, and the Shotgun, which respawns faster, keeps people going to that hot area of the map.
put weapon holders on the very corner of the box so that it is much smaller than the teleporters and also it has the effect of keeping it straight also. keep the teles on the side facing away from the wall though.
I like the idea of creating a map for skirmish, and it looks like it works well. Has the elevator been continually tested? Elevators are starting to be a bit overused... Anyways, the map looks good, and the interlocking is fine. The platforms to jump on seem a little annoying, so overall 4/5.
We've played a shitload of matches on this map, and the elevator hasn't screwed up once. It has gotten a bit tilted once or twice, allowing you to just jump on it instead of summoning it and waiting for it to come down and go back up, but that can be used strategically.
I don't know why everybody is saying that the map has perfect aesthetics. There's a few things that look pretty sloppy to me; For exmple: the walls for the top platform and on of the boxes for the middle floor could have been better. It also looks escapeable. Other than the aesthetics, this map looks like it would have some fun, hectic gameplay (and gameplay always comes before aesthetics) I really like the elavator and the concept of everybody racing for the Rocket Launcher. I'll DL and test it out. 4.5/5 for now for a couple of sloppy things. Maybe you could fix some of those in v2.
Yeah, the elevator can keep working for ages and ages... It's unbreakable. And, if for whatever reason, it tilts or gets blown off somehow, it's on instant respawn so it returns within seconds. And as for the slight sloppiness in the upper areas, I do acknowledge that and I've been trying to fix it up. A temporary ceiling was added today, (thus making the map inescapable) but I'll be experimenting with different ways to interlock it all using walls and bridges. On the note of the fence walls you need to jump up on, I've tried ramps, but there's simply not enough room for them.
Updated with version 2! Version 2 updates/changes/fixes/additions: -Walls cleaned up -Ceiling added -One more spare clip added to Needler -Teleporters to hold elevator switched with weapon holders -More spawn points added The main change is really the wall and ceiling, making the map inescapable. The extra clip in the Needler improves its use but keeps the balance, and the spawn points makes spawning even more random and convenient than before. The change of the teleporters also improve the general look and feel of the map as a whole.