Sandbox Ascension Remake

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by J0 JO, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. J0 JO

    J0 JO Ancient
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    Halo 2 Ascension remake. I love this map. one of my favorites for sure. I wanted to download the map from someone who had already made it but none were good. This motivated me to start remaking halo maps so this way I knew id have the best. Me being a perfectionist and all makes it so the map has to be good. if its not good I seriously cant sleep. So please enjoy my work and play this map with others. =)


    Youtube Video

    YouTube - Halo 3: My Ascension remake -ASCENSION-

    Download it to ur 360 here

    #1 J0 JO, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  2. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    It seems you've got the layout and the elevation changes look to be accurate. I'd like to see the right side down from sniper tower though. But, to be honest, it's too blocky and lifeless. You didn't really capture the environment of Ascension. For example, the middle looks pretty tacky; I'd think the obvious thing to do is make a circle slightly beneath the ground level made out of upside down tin cups and surround it with wedges that interlock into it so it looks natural and so that players can descend fluidly without having to jump out or traverse a large bump. The rotating things around the middle should also be obelisks, they look much more like the original structures than just plain old columns. There are much, much better remakes of Ascension out there to be brutally honest.

    Also, posting your work is always a great thing and we love to see what you can create, but releasing four maps at once isn't always the best idea. It kind of depreciates the value and uniqueness of each one. It makes them seem like they're not as important if they're all thrown out their together at once. Making a map preview in the Forge Discussion forum is a great idea for you. It'll help you to build hype for your maps and you'll get constructive criticism on your map while you're still in the process of releasing the final product. That way you don't have to release 7 other updated versions of your maps after discovering the community's opinion. But you don't have to change anything with any of your maps if you don't want to: Forging should be about creating what you want and how you want to. We're just here to help you out with that if you need us.

    Thanks for posting correctly for your first few times by the way. Usually new guys tend to mess that up.
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    hahaha... this is a little late as i can tell, but somebody stole this map. And their name started with a 'JoJo'...

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