am reposting this map because i couldnt figure out how to edit my original page. This is a massive ctf map that streches from the island to the beach in the canyon.There is a plasma launcher and a greanade launcher hidden on the map but most of the weapons are in the individule basses. each team has 2 basses that each have a falcon although the basses with the flags hav a banshee, 1 of each warthog 2 gohsts, 2 mongooses, a revenat and a tank. Blue base has aq sniper rifel in the basse although red dosnt beacaus it is so much harder to gaurd blue bass than red base because there are more ways to their bass than to red bass. thay each have a shade turret and in the little cap on the cliffs of the canyon there is a large bridge thathas a red and blue respon point and an over shild. this also lets you walk off the cliffs without dieing. I built this with the help of several other forgers so if you download pleas give feede back. Hope you like it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: i had an immage but it isnt showing up. the picture is on my file share. : Halo Reach : File Details
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