Sandbox Ascending

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by HunTedMeat, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Created by HunT3dMeat and Pixie Dustttt


    Recommended Gametypes

    Slayer, Team Slayer, KOTH, CTF (1 Flag), Team Snipers, SWAT

    About The Map
    For all of you out there who had followed the map preview and gave us all those helpful suggestions, this is what you've been waiting for! This map is, as you can tell, is an almost completely accurate remake of one of the most popular Halo 2 maps, Ascension.

    Through many hours of building and testing, we have more or less perfected the map, without the use of the unlimited budget glitch or those troublesome stacked canvas maps. No, this was made from scratch and carefully raised up to be what you see today.

    Ok, enough of that stuff, onto the map itself. Just like the original map, this remake has those nostalgic lines of sight that made the original map so popular with Team snipers and SWAT. The weapons and spwans should feel very familiar and the only notable changes to the weapons are the replacement of the rockets for the missile pod as well as the inclusion of equipment. The map itself plays pretty well and our testers really helped to improve its gameplay even further. Despite not being able to see the testing, my faithful co-forger, Pixie Dust, was there to oversee the maps progress and testing as well as putting the finishing touches and forging about half the whole map while I was'nt around.

    This map will also be submitted into the Forgotten Treasures Contest as well as Atlas. Both of us hope that you all enjoy the map that we have so painstakingly recreated for your enjoyment. Finally, we might even make a V2 later on in mid may that WILL include the TOWER OF POWER gametype. However, we are open to suggestions.

    Update: The map has been updated. The main tower has had a few changes to increase gameplay. As many people have requested, I have made the small sniper tower more aestheticly pleasing as well as more functional. I also switched the missile pod with the original rocket launcher in order to promote gameplay as I realized that the banshee would get stuck in the tin cups magnetic field for a while. During that time, the banshee becomes a stationary target for the homing missiles. However, another plasma pistol and a power drain has been added to even things out. This map has not been made to accommodate Tower of Power yet but that will be in the V2.

    These changes were mainly to address the biggest issues that concerned gameplay.Also I forgot to mention that I added more rocks and moved a few spawn points.The mancannon launches you to the center of the middle structure now.

    Weapon Loadout

    Carbine x1
    SMGs x2
    Plasma grenades x10 or more
    Needler x3
    BRs x4-5
    Rockets x1
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Bubble Shield x1
    Shotgun x1
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Overshield x1
    Power Drain x1
    Thats about it.....

    Overview as well as the super EPIC center piece( no it does not spin)

    Bubble shield spawn [​IMG]

    New Rocket spawn

    Overshield walkway

    The Small Sniper Tower

    The Main Tower

    Main Tower top floor

    Shotgun spawn, Needler spawn as well as the teleporter from the rocket spawn

    View from small sniper tower

    Some of the new cover

    View from the main tower door[​IMG]

    And a few action shots for you action junkies out there=D




    Finally, our map and the creators of said map.


    Also a big thank you to all the testers! No names cause I was not there during testing but you know who you are, so give yourself a pat on the back, or just state your name below and I'll add you to the list.(first I need to make one)
    #1 HunTedMeat, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  2. Xylq

    Xylq Ancient
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    This is made of Joy and win. It must be my Birthday.....Download!
  3. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    omg wow this is amazing... It looks like an almost perfect remake.. I say almost because it is impossible for anything to be perfet besides Jesus =)

    THe interlocking looks great and it looks like it will have really great gameplay... also it was a good idea to replace the rockets with a missle pod since the rockets in halo 3 don't lock on and the missle pod does... Good thinking =)

  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    ive always realy injoyed this level me and my big bro have some freinds out and played halo 2 for some reson we,ve always injoyed it just by the first picture i was amazed.

    the remake of this map is nealy perfect and interlocking is perfect, you even have the banshe. you have swaped the rocket with the missle pod, i know why it's because normal rockets dont have the lock on thing.

    everything about this map is amazing im downloading now and im going to test it out i will let u know if i find any bugs sso you can fix them

  5. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    i think that this could win the contest actually, great job!!!

    i give you 5 stars
  6. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    Wow, finally an ascension remake that's worth downloading. I never really played the map myself in Halo 2, but it looks great just as a standalone. By the way, you mispelled "ascending."

    Good luck with the contest. Hopefully they don't penalize you too much for the fact its on sandbox, though I doubt any good maps will be created on others.
  7. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Thanks for pointing out the spelling error but Ive already flattened the image and now I'm too lazy to fix it. Maybe tomorrow.

    Also, if you had read the contest rules, the map has to be made on sandbox in order to be eligible for the contest
  8. 2uix

    2uix Ancient
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    i'm sorry if this comes across as condescending, but i don't see how you can enter this map into the remake contest. there are a ton of changes between this map and halo 2's ascension that disqualify it on grounds of this not being a "remake." this map is a "re-envisioned" version of ascension, much like blackout is not a "remake" of lockout, and elongation was not a "remake" of longest.

    i understand that creating an exact replica of ascension is most likely impossible due to object limits, but just by a quick glance through your pictures, i have noticed enough altercations that i am disinclined to download.

    it's not really the matter of looks that bothers to me (although outside of your middle area, this map is not particularly attractive) but more the functionality that has been lost. if you look at the overshield bridge and the big tower, much of the technical and tactical jumps are gone. this, in addition to the fact that the small tower and shotgun areas only vaguely resemble their previous incarnation, is what bothers me about your map.

    on a positive note, i love how you forged the middle "bowl" and the rocket pad. these areas look fantastic, and i would urge you to build an original map that utilizes these areas. if you could design a more compacted level around these two areas, i'd download it in a heartbeat.

    anyway, great job on the map. the limitations of objects obviously hurt your attempt to stay faithful to the original design of ascension. i'd just like to emphasize that i'm very impressed by your forging skill in the middle area, and i want to encourage you to try building a smaller level so you can have more objects at your disposal. smaller levels also just function a lot better, seeing as ranged BR fire is not nearly as accurate as it was in halo 2.
  9. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    Ah, I think I was just confusing some aspects of the Conquest Forgeoff with the Remake contest
  10. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    you released it yes, i was looking forward to it.
  11. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    wow. i love this map and cannot wait to get tower of power set up. this is a great map, and pretty true to the original.

    the bug BUT here is mostly aesthetics.

    -the sniper tower sould have a little structure above it
    -the rocket/missile pod spawn is right underneath the main structure. it should be far enough down that grenade jump couldnt reach back up, forcing use of the man cannon
    -there is a rock in front of the base that you made sort of a block with little rails. you should instead use a geomerged/interlocked block to look like an actual rock
    -teleporters are interlocked. it would be truer to the original if they were not interlocked.
    and the gameplay issue:

    -missile pod should be rockets. i see what you mean to do, by making something to counter the banshee as in the original, but once the banshees gone it is virtually useless. you simply become a walking target. with rockets it mimght require some skill to kill the banshee, but at least it is balanced.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    The title of the thread is only allowed to be the name of the map. I fixed it [and the spelling for you]. Ill be downloading this, because i loved Ascension, and this is a badass remake.

    Good luck in the contest.
  13. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    i was looking at the pictures before i read the discription and i instantly noticed that this was a remake of halo 2's map and ive got to say youve really captured the essence of the map the gameplay is very similar you copyed it almost down to the last detail. the gameplay is just as befor which was fun! that you very much for making this remake for us because this used to be my fav map
  14. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    this remake looks outstanding if ur puttin this in the remake contest i definently think you will win .Great job 5/5
  15. JubJub Joe

    JubJub Joe Ancient
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    The map looks great. To be honest, I don't generally concern myself with the 'accuracy' of remakes, rather how they actually play in Halo 3, and if you can have fun on the map then it works for me.

    I really like the aesthetics, and some of the ideas you've employed on the map to give it a flowing structure, whilst remaining somewhat faithful to the original.

    I'll dl this and try to get back to you on the finer notes.
  16. rhyno786

    rhyno786 Ancient
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    veray niizze [borat] 5
  17. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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    thanks guys for all the wonderful replies. i give it a 5-5 too =P
  18. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I just did a forge-through, and I'm impressed. I understand that with forge it's impossible to make a 100% accurate remake, but you came pretty close. The middle structure is stunning, the missile pod spawn is great, and this is by far the best Ascension remake to date. It's far from perfect though.

    One of the things that bothers me the most is the small tower (I think that's what it's called. The one opposite of Banshee spawn). It doesn't feel right. I think the cover should be higher, although I haven't played a whole lot of H2 so I'm not entirely sure what it was like in the original. But either way, if you have enough items left (which I doubt you do) I would definitely add some railings to the small tower's ramp.

    Conclusion: Based off of the forge-through, this map is a masterpiece that is definitely worth the download. Great job!
    #18 Love Slice, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  19. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Great job you two. How come I wasn't invited to any of these test games Pixie? Anyways you two really had your work cut out for you I remember seeing this when Pixie started working on it and it just kept getting better and better. You did a good job with the budget and getting the whole map built, something that is not always the easiest.

    Remember when your account got hacked Pixie and you thought you would have to start all over? lol
  20. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    I love how it looks, how it plays, and how it is AMAZING!

    This is an extremely great remake, and excellently forged too!
    Downloaded, oggled at the looks, played with my friends and LOVE it!

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