Well, I was asked to post some of my crap so here goes. I figure I will post one thing at a time, instead of a picture dump. But I'm going to keep it all in this thread, since I am opposed to individual threads for each drawing / piece. Thread will be updated periodically with a new piece, people can comment and crit, tell me its crap, etc, all in one thread! yay! Most of what I'll post will be more in the 3D realms, but I figure I'll start it off with a drawing since that's what we were talking about. This is what i did for my figure drawing class final assignment last semester: Source photo: Spoiler Close up: Spoiler Size comparison: Spoiler My original plan had been to change her to a zombie samurai chick and have her holding a sword. But as i was going about that, I realized her arm is at an angle where it would be impossible to have the sword resting across the back of her shoulders like I had wanted. So then I erased the sword and now she is just holding a sword handle. And then I realized her arm is all jacked up. I already know what's wrong with it... but let's see what ya'll got to say.
She is wearing a One piece, BTW. Other than that the face just needs more Details, unless you want that creepy no-face look. Good jerb. EDIT: Oh, her right leg is bigger than her left leg. But that isn't that noticable. Also, i'm assuming you already know this trick, but when you're doing proportions, draw it, turn the picture upside down, and it flaws will stick out more for some reason. ****ing brain, How do you work?
HA! no ****, i never even noticed the one piece. I guess my brain wanted her to be more naked, lol. And yea i was trying to redo her face on my own to be more creepy like, and i kinda failed on that part, imo.
Her face looks much like an alien. I think you did a good job with the creepy part. Her left arm is too long and you can't see the curve in it.. just looks like a creepy, flat stick. I think you could've shaded a little harder in some places, like the elbow joint crevice ... area. Also, i lol'd when i opened the size comparison spoiler. Overall, pretty good, look forward to seeing other stuff.
Thanks man. Also I want to point out something more about the values, like you said. If you compare my drawing to the original B&W photo, you can see how mine is not dark enough with some of the shaded areas, like erico said, and also, how i did not shade in all the black background behind her. I was talking the other day about how paying more attention to that can really give a drawing more life and depth, and i think this is a good example of how if i had done that, this would have been a better drawing. She looks flat without it. that would have taken forever though, lol.
Looks good for the most part, Titmar. As the others suggested, a bit more detail would be nice. It just seems incomplete.
Yea it was the last class of the semester on a friday and i was up all night drawing it the night before, lol... pretty much didnt give a **** anymore. i admit i do suffer from incomplete drawing syndrome though. i usually draw something and then decide i hate it part of the way through. i'm a doodler. unfinished bad drawing example:
I suffer from the same syndrome. Although its not just with drawings nowadays. I get all excited thinking about making something, be it a picture, song, or a map etc, then when I start doing it the thrill wears off and I usually couldn't be arsed finishing it and it gathers dust for six months. Anyway, I shouldn't pick at your picture, because I can't draw still-life to save my own, but one thing that stood out for me was her torso looks a little too squat and not shapely enough compared to the original, but like you said it was late, so who gives a **** about accuracy, right?
That's definitely cool. Some things I'm noticing is that the base of his crown is a bit wobbly looking, his shoulder plates look completely different from one another and proportionally, his legs seem a tad bit small.
thanks man! yeah, he wasnt really meant to be realistically proportional? he is stylized. anyway, he also has bread loafs for feet and lumpy squiggles for hands! =P but yes... hrmm he is off in a few places... damn you switching it up for today gonna post something i am working on for a class: this is for environmental modelling class, and i am almost done with the texturing. i cant remember if i already showed this to some people but whatever sorry for the screenshot image quality, you can get to see the final render once it is complete, because right now it only has some basic lighting on it. the render that is. theres no lighting here.
****... been working on it for a few weeks now, probably spending at least 6 hrs a week on it? its hard to guess because when i work i do 2 things at once and get sidetracked quite often. basically, its a ton of work
Looks sweet. What's left to do on it? Are you going to make the windows transparent or leave them opaque?
thanks. not sure how easy it is to tell, but theres a few things left that are not textured yet. the windows on the sides, some of the posts on the balcony. yeah i think im going to leave them opaque but i might not... it will look much better if i put a curtain in the window. besides that, i have to do normal and spec maps for all my textures and i also have to make pretty renders of it. not that bad, just a lot. actually i will probably only do the spec on the windows... well... yeah, probably. too lazy to do for every stain. its more tedious than it needs to be because i chose to go and make each siding board individually lol
I'm curious, why are you making an old-looking saloon for an environmental modeling class? I'm interested in enviro modeling myself, or something since the field will be booming and i'm interested in Architecture n' stuff. Does it require a lot of math related work?
this was the assignment. we were given concept art. two pictures of this house from perspective angles. we had to make it identical to the concept art. this is how it works in a studio. the concept artist will draw up his stuff and he hands it off to the modellers. the modeller has to replicate it. but it was funny because i think the original concept was also CG... theres some stuff in it that is architecturally nonsensical and such.. kinda funny. we changed those bits. and umm no there is never really much math involved. especially not with environments. really depends on the situation i guess, but i have never had to do any math more complicated than addition and subtraction for any animation or modelling related assignments. if you are more interested, i can talk about this extensively, i'm obsessed lol what part do you think looks odd?
I think you read it wrong, I said old lul Anyways, I was thinking more eco-enviro. modeling for some reason... Do you do any of that? On topic: post moar!
lol, wow. thats what happens when no sleep. my bad. not sure what you mean by eco-enviro modelling? here is a preview render of the light that will be going on the porch and also hanging from chains on the balcony