Dig it. The textures look sweet! Only suggestion would be maybe to use a different brush in the brain strokes. All the other paths have cool stroke brushes and it seems like the brain is the focal point of the whole thing. Just spend some time on the brain strokes, maybe make em all connect and just use a variety of brushes and it should look sweet!
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately there are so many top layers that making that change will be somewhat of a headache. But I will keep this in mind for my next illustrator design. Thanks again
Ah, such a bad habit. I used to be all about 'Apply Image' but once you break it, it helps save so much time in the long run.
That's pretty slick, man. If it were me, I'd have made the dude just a silhouette with only the brain in the headspace, though, but that's just me. Don't know why, but the facial features kinda irk me a little. You know me though, I'm a picky bastard. I likely couldn't have done anywhere near as good as that as I haven't made any images for a looooooong time. Two thumbs up.