I think you will really enjoy this machinima purpose map. The map is called Artifact. It's a forerunner structure and the beacon tower lies dormant, as its generators are broken. In it's central chamber, a single command console sits. An alert light flashes a warning of a failure in the sub systems of halo. What could it mean? This post has been updated from the v1 map to v2. V2 is much more detailed, a few new rooms to explore and a better outside overall look. The larger tower on top is the beacon tower. And i finally have pictures for you too! -gasp- I prefer you watch this short video here, but if not there will be images for you viewing pleasure. YouTube - Artifact‏ Images below Spoiler Overview 01 Overview 02 Overview 03 Staircase Generator room central command console room I hope you like the map, comment below on what you think, and check out my other maps!
Personally, I think the biography of your signiture is hilarious, but on to the map. I think that you made this just for the purpose of the machinima. It's simply not fit to be called a slayer map. It contains no weapons, no cover, it opens right out into forgeworld, and if you showed all of the map in the machinima, it's much too small. I do, however like the song, which repeatedly informed me that haters must die. I do like themed maps. They are good. I do like your aesthetic style of forging. And that's why it needth to have a warning not to play a serious match on it.
Cool map. Looks like it could be a great set for making machinima. My favorite part was definitely the console area. For some reason, I got a little bit of the base from Endor vibe haha.