I like the changes you made. I still think that warehouse in the outer ring needs to be simplified though. The flow of battle in this spot can only be passing through anyway bc the center is closed off in this location. I suggest a 2x2 or larger LOS blocker that players are forced to run around. Right now, you have ramps up to a bridge that leads nowhere. My only other suggestion right now would be to replace some of your coliseum windows with sea stack walls or maybe just pepper the perimeter wall with sea stacks. This would make the outer ring feel more natural. Just don't place the rocks in any sort of pattern if you do this.
For the warehouse, I am not quite sure I know the location you are talking about. Are you talking about blue base (which is in the annex to the building), where the bridge in question is the large brace? If so, I agree that it has almost no function for Slayer. It's there for CTF, where it is useful for flag defense. However, it certainly may not be the best option at all, so I can revisit that. Maybe on Tuesday we could try a CTF game on it and see if it ends up having a purpose. If you're not talking about that, could you correct me? I think you mentioned something about this in-game as well, and I would like to correct it if I can. On the rocks, I agree entirely . . . but I only have a couple left. One of my complaints with Forge were that Impact has an insufficient number of available rocks, and it also could benefit from larger rock pieces for forming natural barriers.