This has been my best map so far. It is a maze/labyrinth infection game that is loads of fun! The snowman(zombie) has sword and no radar, while the human has shotgun and also has no radar. The zombie's forced color is obviously white. All players have 200% gravity to prevent standing on the walls. There are 5 rounds total. The snowman has 200% damage resistance and no waypoint except for allies. There is 1 zombie at the start of the round. Have fun and please download! Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Overview Human Start Zombie start Shotty Epic Fail! Who's gonna win?
It's a good map but perhaps it should be bigger. these types of maps always leave me on the edge of my seat!
There is a map like this that was made a long time ago, I can remember the name, The lost Chamber is its name, Actually, I will give you the link to it. Here it is -->
This map looks really fun! I could probably play this for hours. Only one thing though. It looks kind of small. I'll DL and get back to you.
you do not need to post that it is not needed and also if you really want rep you have to do something REP worthy so do something good. as for the map it is okay it looks very neat BUT it is small also i would add a roof to make it darker
I made it small because a big portion of Avalanche is curved or has a lot of bumps. That place was the biggest place with a flat surface.
You should have flares in the map. So it will be little harder, because this is small. 4/5 and a DL. I hopezz you make it bigger =].
The tight turns and compact size make this map a very competitive swords game. Not too hard to construct I assume, but fun all the same. Awesome job. Keep Forging!
Make it a little bigger, add some Walls and stuff, and make it harder to go through. ^It's a good idea to add Flares, or an other type of that kind of euipment. Try to float the floor if you want to make it bigger.
if it was hard then that is okay but also could you add filters on it and have it so then the zombie knows where the humans are but the humans dont know where the zombie is
The pics tilted like that make the map look even more fun to play on. Now the maze looks kind of simple, but that's mostly a good thing so that you don't get lost too fast. Also a few things could be straightened but that's ok. 4/5
EPIC PHAIL.. lmao.. love that screeny. great map. make some more.. would be nice if they were bigger. dl as of... now.
If he added a roof the map wouldn't become darker except for maybe the ground but I think the map needs a roof as well, if you added a roof and more walls you could really turn this into a Infection maze map that supports/plays well Peasant Hunt (not copying or remaking but supporting). I personally enjoy seeing mini games on multiple maps like Cat N Mouse so that could turn out be a really good decision if you make the falling start and make the maze more complex, I think it's a little to simple.
considering the simplicity of the map, its not that neat. plus this gets a zero for originality, this map has basically been made before, i dont care if its on avalanche instead of foundry (lost chamber), the lost chamber was better
looks like a nice remake of lost chamber, good job and as for your bigness problem, try floating some platforms to make a floor, then make the walls/roof on top of that. Then you can make it as big as you want =]]]]]]
Seems to be rather plain, but yet, it looks like it would be a good deal of fun late at night. GLOOMY FILTER NAO!!!