Art Vandelay Created by Silly Box Cat Art Vandelay is a symmetrical, 2-10 players, all games enabled map Forged on Foundry. It is a somewhat spiritual successor of the default Foundry map as it has many similar structural designs to Foundry and the gameplay of both maps are pretty similar. I created this map to try to fix some of the issues with Foundry such as spawning. Screenshots As you can tell, I wasn't really focusing on aesthetics whilst I was making this map, but it is still pretty clean of course. If you'd like to help test this either send me a friend request, or if you're in the Tester's Guild visit here. Also, if you'd like to look at the map or test it yourself you can download the Art Vandelay Beta.
I liked playing this the other day. Its got a real foundry feel to it but its not quite as open as the original. I still think an OS could work quite well..
I must have tested this map absolutely loads The shotguns felt really welcome, which was nice, and not every encounter was dependant on BR skill. Very solid map indeed.
Meh, I was kinda avoiding power-ups on this map, but I'll still consider putting it somewhere now. What do you think of a neutral OS?
well ideally, i think all power ups should be in neutral locations, but even if its on spawn at start no and respawn rate at 180 its still a piece that can change gameplay and possibly counter someone with rockets / snipers. The top box is quite a hard area to reach if the grav lift isnt about, and its key location is right in the centre with aerial supremacy. Rockets may be a little over powering in the position, but an overshield may be worth a test up there? Alternatively, you could place an overshield on the floor near the old rocket spawn (so its sorta secluded like the os spawn on the pit)
Yeah, that's a nice place to place it. I'm actually going to do this and see how it works out. Putting it in the top box (which is only accessible with a grenade jump or gravity lift) wouldn't be the best place to put it so I'll avoid that for now. EDIT: I added an overshield (respawn rate: 180) to the map, moved the rocket spawn, and changed the rocket's repawn rate to 180. Download the updated version of AV Beta which includes the changes to the map.