Hey does anyone no where I could commission someone to do some really high res work? I was thinking of having a pine of strong female game characters sort of in a line with dramatic lighting. Zoey (L4D), Alex (Half Life 2), Cortana, Lara Croft (with realistic parts not the unreal sized sex object she has become), and Faith (Mirror's Edge). Anyone who knows where I can get it done or anyone here who wants to take a stab at it? I'm hoping to get it printed on canvas the auction it off for chairity if all goes well. Also if you can think of any other characters to add please tell me. Remember high-res high quality work.
Eh, uh, ew-wha'? You want to... sell... someone else's work... for charity... doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose if you didn't do any hard work to make the art? I -- I just, don't understand.
not many of us are original artists, you should try talking to zct and the other guy i cant remember, or lock, his pen work has been quite good. but your better off looking on a GnA dedicated site