Made this thread to show all my sigs, banners and stuff along those lines. The sigs all range in date and style and I'll update the thread whenever I make something I really like :happy: Made for my girlfriend's brother. Made this for a friend. My newest signature These two are linked images on my site, I liked how nicely they've come out considering they're really simple. Newest signature This is a header for my site, which is still in the works at the moment; V1 V2 The top ones are newest, although some aren't in perfect date order 'cos I don't remember when they were made *Shrugs* Let me know what you think of them if you feel like it? I'm also happy to do stuff for people if they like
I like the effects and i like how you use the space around the sig for extra things.. and on the very top one it looks like the bottom of the sig is a wall or somehting and hes jumping over it.. very nice
Thank you for the kind words! The whole 'him jumping over a wall' thing is what I immediately thought of when I first saw the render, so ended up going for that. I've been really into pop-out sigs recently but have tried straying away recently from them because I thought I'd been overdoing it a little.
Thankyou! I find I can do a lot more with pop-out sigs compared to the regular styled ones because renders are generally a lot larger than my default sig size, and don't come out well when resized.
yea.. ive only ever done like one pop-out sig.. its just not my style Sunsphere Graphics .. my site if you go to home or gallery you can see some of my work
I've already had a look around on there a while back, clicked on your sig and had a look around. It all looks real good mate!
yea that is pretty cool.. maybe if he would have let the other corner of the bottom card pop-out it would have been cool
That corner was the end of the render, as in there weren't any more of those bottom cards after that.
Yeeeeah, I know! :/ Something I did for my site last night, pretty simple but I think it looks pretty good! I'll also update the original post with it.
It's the header for my websiteeeeee! It's not very far in terms of actual content, but it's getting there
your gonna get an infraction for posting that link... and it would look better if the banner wasn't just floating there.
I'm gonna get an infraction for posting a link to something that has all of the stuff I'm showing here anyway?