Sandbox Around The World

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by david1331, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. david1331

    david1331 Ancient

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    Around The World
    VIP, King of the hill and Team slayer

    Welcome to my first competitive map ever, Around the world!
    You are going to get the chance to enyoy this faboulous sightseeing tour which includes things such as: Capturing a hill, escort a Very Important Person, kill your friends and much much more*.
    As a customer your opinion is our law, and as every smart customer wants, we got a preview.
    Ready? betcha are!

    One of the first things you are going to see is this futuristic construct by uyrasyf urfaassf, its truely a masterpiece in modern art. It aslo works good as a sniper tower.

    Next up is a windmill made entirely out of lego, made by the people of Denmark.

    Here is a photo of a shed i built in my backyard, it got much praise and many awards from the art crtitics. Anything can be called art nowadays.

    Here is THE MOUNTAIN OF DEATH which the Russian government actively denied to contain any super weapons, but sights of wild bazookas have been recorded. Also the photo is of me and a stranger i pushed down the mountain when i was there on vacation.

    here is me bungie-jumping.

    A hole. also here is a sniper if you was looking for one, as the photo implies: Risk for reward.

    This is an ancient mayan temple, texts reaveled that items of power can be found here. (hint: ZOMG WEAPONS)

    And that is the last photo of this preview.
    I hope you will take the chance and enyoy this entirely free sightseeing tour!
    On a serious note: My buddies are no halo lovers and there aint any nice people on xbox live that i meet, if you wanna try this map out make a party or send me a friend invite.

    Team slayer version:

    VIP and KOTH version:
  2. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    Gameplay-wise, this map is nothing. Sure, it may seem fun at first to snipe your buddies on temple from the windmill, all while capturing the territory or hill, but it's really stale. I would honestly reccommend moving this map from the Competitive category to the Asthetic category, because this map is next to nothing in the gameplay category. I give it a 2/10 in gameplay

    Asthetically, it isn't so bad. I see some nice floating techniques and bits of other interesting features, but no geo-merging or interlocking was used, to my knowledge from these pictures. And it seems like alot of stuff is just sitting there in the barren wasteland, looking very odd. I would suggest to you that you look at some forging tutorials on how to ghost merge, and geo-merge, because your structures would look a hell of alot better with nice curves and angles. I'll give you a 5/10 for asthetics.

    So as a competitive map, this recieves a measly 3.5/10. However, if you focus on the asthetics, you get a 5/10.
  3. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha, I don't think this would be the best map for gameplay, but those are some nice buildings there. It feels really quirky, like something I'd play with some irl friends for laughs. Kudos for that. I love the idea of playing around all of these different buildings, but they're too awkward to traverse. Making the buildings more dynamic and accessible to a player during a firefight would be a big step up.

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