Army of Two Created by prkdcSTONECOLD Supported Gametypes: Army of Two Map Description: Earlier I put up a post of this by accident. It was unfinished. I am new and still trying to figure out the whole map posting deal. I got it down now. This is one of my earlier maps so it may not look as good as others but I focusing more on fun than looks at the time. Actually try to make it look good these days. Anyways back to the map. Army of Two is obviously based on the game "Army of Two". There isn't much of a story to it. Tyson and Salem took up a military contract to kill everbody at a military base. Guys at military base get tough and work together to take them down. Trust me it may sound difficult but its actually pretty fair. Player Stats Human Everything normal except for: Primary weapon: Battle Rifle Secondary weapon: Assault Rifle Grenade Regeneration: Disabled Infinite Ammo: Disabled Weapon pickup: Enabled Motion Tracker Mode: Off Waypoint: Visible to Allies Zombie Damage Modifier: 100% Primary Weapon: Rocket Launcher Secondary Weapon: Battle Rifle No grenades Infinite ammo Weapon Pickup: Enabled Player Speed: 25% Player Gravity: 150% Damage Resistance: 500 Shield Multiplier: 2x overshields Shield Recharge Rate: 50% No radar Waypoint visible to allies Weapons List 2 assault rifles 4 battle rifles 2 shotguns 2 sniper rifles 2 smgs 2 magnums 2 brute shots 2 covenant carbines 3 machine gun turrets/ one on zombies side 1 hidden flamethrower! Equipment list 3 bubble shields 1 power drain 2 trip mines 3 regenerators 1 radar jammer 2 flares 2 deployable covers 2 overshields 2 active camos If people want it, I will either make a V2, a version on Sandbox or no changes at all. How it Works Everybody has one life. The humans (soliders) use teamwork to take down zombies. The zombies (Tyson and Salem) use superior firepower to take down humans. There is 7 rounds, 5 minutes each. No friendly fire. IN SHORT, A FAST PACED BATTLE BETWEEN MERCENARIES AND SOLDIERS. Map Pics Overview 1( Walls and Double Blocks (thats what prevents you from getting out of the map) removed for Overview) shots) overview 2 Zombie Spawn Human spawn at the shield doors If you were paying attention to the overviews you notice there is a bridge seperating the humans from the zombies. The bridge has two machine gun turrets and sniper rifle at each window. This pic shows whats on the other side of the bridge. There is a camo behind the blockade at the left and right end of the bridge. Use it at your own risk. Constructive Criticitism Appreciated!/Middle and Side of the Bridge Action Pics The Run and Gun Plan probably won't work The two guys with camo will probably... ...get killed. Me and a elite working together. The action on the zombies side. For Map For Game mode
hmm i dont really see this gameplay working to well. It deffenitally wont take 5 min to kill 2 people but i think a sandbox version maybe in the crypt would better capture the style of the actual game and give you a better chance of to spread out the structures and give the players a more realistic play and a more varied experience. Its a good start but i would like to see a V2
I will try to work on a V2 for the map when I get some time on my hands. I can tell you that its tougher to kill the humans than u think. Just give it a download and experience it for yourself. I set it for 5 minutes but its just to give them enough time to kill each other. I thought about making it on the crypt and still might.