I think it's fair to assume that he didn't want to put in a ton of work for something that was simply a passion project, which in turn grew into something insanely popular.
The guy who mad the dayzmod was already working for Bohemia Interactive. Thanks to him making the mod and it blowing up into the current iteration of the game he got his own dev team. He used the ARMA 2 engine because it had everything it needed for a survival mod, he said that dayz is a dumbed down arma 2 engine that just need streamlining and new animations. They are hopefully going to be releasing a stand alone game before Christmas following the minecraft model of a low price point with a lot of things not currently in the game which will be followed by updates out of of alpha into beta and hopefully release. Source TLDR: Arma 2 engine was very easy for him to mod to turn it into a survival game from a military game. But it sure is still clunky as hell but animations will be fixed and hopefully clipping will be fixed in release. what do u consider major issues? ALT F4ing aside.
So your a vigilante? I'm not exactly a bandit. I do shoot people who may or may not be bandits. I don't go around killing people for gear. But if I see someone with a scoped sniper rifle in a town, I'm going to assume it's not someone who's just trying to "survive".
And we could spam the public chat channels with the batman begins theme when we strike. Man, you need to find a partner to do this.
Anyone here actually play frequently? I got a new mic and I'm playing way more often with my friends now.
I could just add you over steam, usually my friends and I use a steam chat when we're not on Teamspeak. today a group of 7 and I were finally able to meet up. We walked around in Cherno for less than 5 minutes before a sniper and some bandits shot us down QQ
SeaNanners is one of the YT channels I follow. He's been playing this like crazy now. Day 18: LOITERING (DAYZ) - YouTube
justxrippedn1ck - It's raining it's pouring.... justxrippedn1ck - it's raining part 2... It's videos like these that show some Day Z at its most ridiculous
Yeah, I watch all of Seananner's videos. They are always funny. Oh, and here is his newest one. Day 23: DUEL (DAYZ) - YouTube
Lmao. Some guy spawns a chopper for Seananners. Fun ensues after Goldy is teleported to the chopper. Day 24: HACKERS (DAYZ) - YouTube
I'e downloaded the game today. Only one problem though, my computer sucks so bad that whenever I try running the game, it crashes. I really want to play this game. I'm thinking about upgrading -_-
So I ran Arma 2 through this: Can You RUN It | Can I run that game | Game system requirements and it said I can't run it because my graphics card isn't the right type. BUT, I'm confused because it says in a little subsection of abilities of the graphics card that I have at least twice of everything I need. So if I have twice of what I need, why can't I DayZ?
So... Any thoughts on The War Z? Seeing how I haven't played Day Z, I kind of think they're exactly the same except for a few customization options of course... and I guess the size of the cities. Just trying to decide which one to buy.
What kind of GPU are you running and what's the minimum it says? it might just be a bug with SRL. If you want, you can download Arma 2 free to see how your computer holds up; check on the game's steam page. I guess it kinda makes sense to make DayZ a standalone in response to WarZ. To be honest though, if WarZ is anything like DayZ and just heavily improved upon (ie not buggy as hell and better looking) I think I'll probably jump onto that. Granted I don't really know anything about the specifics of WarZ at this point in time.