ARTIFACT v2 BY CYDRONIX AND BLAKBASTUD9 Recently I released a version one of my newest map, MLG Artifact, so, this is my newest version. I added a basement level to it to add a fourth route. The remake took about 3 hours to complete. Custom powerup spawns 2 minutes into a match. I made man-cannon lifts on each side that work correctly 90% of the time, they mirror the mancannon lifts on Narrows. Weapons: Battle Rifle x7 Sniper Rifle x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenades x6 Custom Powerup x1 (Spawns 2 min. into game) Active Camo x1 (180 seconds) Trophy Shot Full Map View Rock Spawn Blue Base Red Base Base Jump Custom Powerup Spawn New Camo Section Camo Entrance Camo, #2 View Overview Long View Download MLG Artifact v6, Click Here! Thanks! RECOMMENDED FOR MLG NARROWS CTF.
This is considered double posting because it's the same as MLG Aritfact v2 and is probally going to be taken down.
i really like this map it looks very creative. the layout and every thing looks really nice and i really like that central building looks great keep forging
Wow dude intense map look very smooth but u have to work on the man cannons it seems very familer to narrows as it should good job 5/5