Argon Flux

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Preacher001, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Download Map

    So here we are for my very first FH post. This will be one of many by the time I get around to uploading all of what I have and finish all of what I almost have.

    Now anyone that has virtually no friends and wants to play a honest to goodness Reach map knows this . . . Ummm . . you can't. I know how everyone has 16 friends ready to go right now and I'm some sort of freak of the Halo universe but I demand the opportunity to play the maps I paid for. I know, I know, play on matchmaking. What if I hate everyone who isn't already my friend. I know, I know, kill them. Fair enough, it is Halo. But what if I only want to kill the ones I love. eh . . eh . . yaah, you didn't think of that now did ya. Well here's what I thought; maybe I'll just chop off my favorite part of the maps I like.

    Argon Flus is on Spire and is (go figure) on the spire. I have no backstory but I do have this. You are trapped within the confines of the Great Spire. More to the point you are trapped within the confines of the 8 or so glowing pillars around the spire. Plasma activity is spiking and if you step outside the protection of the pillars for more than a few seconds you will certainly die. Moreover if you step outside the pillars and a spike in plasma appears, you will die all the sooner.

    Here's the nitty gritty. Since the spire is a Covenent structure I have decided to put only Covenent weapons on it. The grounds around and beneath the spire are stocked with UNSC weapons. For varied ground battles we have 2 Ghosts and 2 Mongoose as well as a series of powerups located and the legs of the great spire. Lower lifts are out of order. Hallway, main and rooftop lifts are in business. Jump pads on the main deck take you to the upper main deck where you will find 4 Jet packs. With jet pack on, make your way to the top of the spire to claim the sword and preceed in slaughtering everything you see.

    A little you should know about me. I am a Classic Slayer guy, or more to the point, Deathmatch guy since I've been playing this style for something like 20 years. Being a UT/Quake guy I demand constant bloodshed and I don't care how many times I spill my own to get it. My maps or edits will tend to be for fast and furious gameplay with a considerable amount of weapons balance. It may not seem like it since you're dying so often but it is there.

    I have never found much interest in any styles beyond Deathmatch. I don't mean to sound rude but I have no interest in learning and I refuse to do the job half assed. If you want different gametypes either beg someone to do it for you or learn how to add them yourself. (I mean it's you who wants to play it.) That, or give me money. I'll learn something I'm not going to use and don't care about for enough money :) It takes minutes for me to add CS spawn points to user maps and I often do. If I can for my gametype, so can you. Now that it has been said, please don't ask.

    I will hopefully upload 3 Bungie edits, 2 heavy user edits and 6 of my own maps within the next week, but please don't hold me to it.


    The Boundry as marked by the 8 glowing pillars.

    Lifts blocked off so I guess I'll grab a rocket laucher and a mongoose.

    Minor defenses at the pillar entrances

    Nothing like a massive canon jump strait into the lift stream. I love this hop.

    Take a short hop from the main deck to the upper main deck.

    Grab your jetpack and kill someone for the audacity of thinking the same.

    If you look veeery close you can see the white dot of a reciever.

    Nothing to see here. Just charging a sword.

    In case you were wondering, yes, the teleporter infers full map coverage without the need of a jetpack.
    #1 Preacher001, Jun 5, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
  2. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    This is a very interesting map you've got here. I do not think that the lifts will be enough to prevent a player from going elsewhere. Maybe a barrier, or a sheild door would do the trick. The weapons on the jetpack portion of the spire are crowded.
    Other than that, this looks like it would play good. The lift to lift idea is neat.
  3. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I would recommend giving it a download if you want to find out how things work and if weapons are too close. Two side by side needlers on an entire map make very little difference. They are also the only double of a weapon on the map.

    I find Safe/Kill zones very effective at telling you where to, and were not to go.

    I know everyone figures they have moved on but I would recommend the download for a smaller, faster paced variation of a fun bungie map. Even I forget about these map hacks I've done because I live in forge but when they get added to the cue they are a much needed breath of fresh air. There is only so long you can stare at those damn forge pieces.

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