I'd like to hone my forging skills by the time Reach comes around, honest feedback super welcome! Arena: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=112609346 Beware! Due to an annoying, invisible spawn, most of my skybox maps start with a death. This will happen one time only at the start of the game. Don't be scared off by it, please. (Fixed, thanks to Death YoYo.) Plays best with Slayer. This is one of my best, IMO. In a game of four people, each player spawns in their own holding cell. They must choose their weapons and man cannon up a tube into the arena. The arena itself is made of three levels. The topmost is an open ledge that surrounds the arena. Below that is a smaller platform with a small structure containing a rocket launcher. The lower level has a wide open area for mid to long ranges as well as many cells and structures for CQB. There is a semi secret entrance to a ledge outside of the arena where one can teleport to each side of the arena. A lone, low spawn rate turret overlooks most of the map. The I felt the dark filter enhanced the gloomy mood of the map. It's fine on my screen, but if it is too dark for you, the filter is located down in the crypt. Below are some images. I tried embedding them, but is said "Screenshot not found." Sorry. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
inb4everyone. Just a quick note about your screenshots there, they seem to point out "Screenshot not found". So i cant really get a feeling of downloading and checking it out and such. DL the screenshots and host them on like Photobucket or something like that.
I really like the layout, and have a possible suggestion to fix your spawn-death problem. While as a forge moniter, pause the game and change the gametype tp slayer. Now there should be some spawns floating around somewhere in space, but they have a small, magical, glowing blue halographic light tower above them. I know its pretty! Anyway, these are called starting points, and you need to move them somewhere into your map to remove that problem. Do NOT simply delete them, because then there is a chance that you will be spawned outside of the entire map which is a VERY big problem. Also, have you tried interlocking your objects? It is an advanced forging technique that allows a forger to combine objects into each other to reduce bumps and holes, and in some cases create totally new unimaginably sweet designs. There is a very easy way to do this called Ghost Merging that makes forging about 2 times easier, and about 762931 times more fun and cool looking. It will remove those pesky grenade traps and little bumps that mess with straffing, and it is HANDS DOWN the easiest way to improve your forging skill. I recommend using it for almost every object, because every time youve got two objects fused into one it makes your map one object smoother, cleaner, and more aesthetically pleasing. Edit: Oh yikes, didnt mean to sound too condescending there. Sorry about that!!
I didn't think that sounded condescending at all. In fact, I'm glad you gave me some well written advice! I'll have to hunt down those starting points. As for "Ghost Merging," I never knew about that. I will have to try it out. Thanks!
ok, next time have more than one pic. it's kinda hard to see what the map is like with only one. also this idea isnt exactly original, but it looks good.
There are only two blue and two red lights available. I can't add any more. Also, I fixed the spawn problem thanks to Death YoYo.