Sandbox Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Joe is Outside, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    Created by: Joe is Outside
    Recommended Gametype: Toro :viral:
    Recommended number of players: 2-16
    Download link (Map): Arena
    Download link (Gametype): Toro

    Map description:
    The bull is coming, you have 20 seconds to prepare yourself before you turn red. 2-16 players. Joe is Outside

    About my map:
    Arena is a mini-game it consist of a Toro (Bull in spanish) that as to splatter all the humans or the matadors. This is a really funny game when you are a lot, for the Matador and the Toro. The arena has a diameter or 7 large boxes (lol) it has a really nice desing.
    Two to sixteen players are recommended for my map. The standard gametypes that my map support is only Infection. I recommend especially a non-standard Gametype: Toro. There is no weapons/equipment on the map but there is a Custom Power up that spawns after 120 seconds.

    The overview of the Arena (You won't see it during the game)

    Overview of the map at the begining with the human/matador spawns.

    Overview of the map, after 20 seconds (The Toro is comming).

    Where the Toro spawns.

    Where the Toro spawns, after 20 seconds.

    Action Screenshots:
    Easy Overkill

    -"This toro is so stupid... wait... is he behind me?"




    See ya!
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    So basically this is like the bull arena map? Well fro mthe looks of it the map looks very neatly forged and the detail in the map is also good. Im not quite sure about the idea, basically you just have to survive 120 seconds without be crushed by the infected? I would have put it on respawn time 180 since when playing infection i find that the time really pasts quickly, more of a challenge would be more fun.
  3. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    wow, once again joe, and amazing map, I like the idea of the "toro" and having the people be RED. lol, I think that you put a lot of thought and effort into this one, even though the idea isn't too "unique" I think you made a simple infection game Very exciting and fun. I'll download and try this out if my HDD has enough room... stupid 100 item rule, urg! Anyways, 4.5/5 mainly because it is a pretty basic arena w/ out much "difficult" interlocking. Good job man, i look foreward to more... I also wish that the name wasn't "arena", not very original... i think "toro" would have been cool. but, w-e, good job, i'm out!
  4. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    I did a lot of tests, versions and tries but, if the respawn time was 180 it would be really boring... Imagine, you die the first and you don't do anything during the 3:00 minutes of the round, and by the way there is 10 rounds. The first thing I don't wan't is, peoples quitting the game.
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Why would people download this map instead of just playing a fixed version of Bull Dome on Foundry so the main arena is not blocked by the double box? The map is round. The chopper still splatters you. I'm sure you still can't jump high because that defeats the purpose. So basically you're downloading this map because it's on Sandbox and for the red ball? Please tell me why people would need to download this map when many more people can play the same game on Foundry.
  6. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    Mayby because this map is really well made, beautiful and because its on sandbox... dudee foundry is so 2008. :)
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    While I agree Foundry is 2008, so is this game. You brought nothing new to the game play. Alpha zombie is in a chopper trying to mow down the humans. Humans jump and dodge to avoid getting splattered in a circular play field. All you did was bring the game play to another map, which fewer people will have. Yes, you made the alpha zombie drop in from above, but it's really nothing different from what I did in my version of the dome in Foundry. I've seen the dome forged beautifully on Foundry. The only difference is that there are more pieces which are better looking on Sandbox.

    It's like the featured map, Blockout. While I can understand it being a challenge to do it... why rebuild Blackout when you can just play the original map with less latency issues and more people will have the map pack? Makes no sense to have two maps with the same game play taking up space on the hard drive... and between the two, it makes sense to keep the map which more people will be able to play.
  8. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    Its your opinion.
  9. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    I agree the game is old, but it isn't boring. And with a map this well made, I would still play. The forging is very good. I also like the red theme as the bull approaches! Nice work, as usual.

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