
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by GoodWhaleSushi, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Arena is aptly named; a makeshift combat ring built out of boxes in the waters of Last Resort. The minuteness of the map means that long-ranged weapons are usually useless, but there are two BRs placed on the outer walls for edge-to-edge long ranged combat; and to take down the occasional person who tries to run up the beach escape the playing area. Players start off with shotguns; the perfect short-ranged weapons, and the arena is littered with boxes and barricades. There are two open containers to hide in, but are still quite balanced for they still give campers little to no reward for camping in them.


    There are no explosives but there are firebombs, which, when used effectively can result in frequent kills (from the grave). Players spawn on top of the outer walls, where there also happen to be two machine gun turrets. If you can stay alive long enough to get into one, you will be granted a few kills, but the close quarters leave you quite vulnerable to assassinations and being attacked from the side, and being ganged up on, which happens frequently. (You can't even get off or turn to shoot before you're dead. Trust me, I've tried)


    A radio antenna goes from one side to another, providing easy access to all sides of the map when used well. Placed next to one of the walls is a crate. Atop that is an energy sword. If you can get it, its lunging maneuvre can come in handy against turret-hoggers.

  2. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Looks like fun, I'll be sure to give it a try when I get the chance. The only flaw or misunderstanding I have of this map is the turrets. Either the turrets are their for show or well, I really don't know. I'd see people ripping the turrets off more than using it mounted. Other than that though I think this might be cool.
  3. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Yeah that can be a problem when someone rips them off. Thats when the BRs come in, taking the guy out from a distance. If too many people find problems with that, I will post an update without turrets.
  4. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    hmm... interesting concept. :squirrel_wtf:
  5. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Hm... That sounds like bad news.

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