k, when i posted arena i got a lot of feedback and a lot of suggestions to improve it. ive changed a few things and inproved alot of stuff. the most signifficant difference is that the armory is gone, now the weapons are spread through the base and there are still no weapons outside the basses. the next difference you'll notice is that the shield doors are gone. another difference is that ive changed the mongoose garage. instead of having to jump and risk missing, there's now a door on ground level inside the bass. everything that needs to be is now interlocked, unlike v1. I've also changed the castle at the back. it no longer has a shield door on the front but has a small room just right of the entrance with a shield door on for a bit of protection. a new change is in the castle where there is now a sword and active Camo that only appears once, this makes for a good rush at the start. also, all the boxes have now been flipped so the smooth surface is showing. armory has now gone and the weapons are now spread out the two basses, the shield doors are now gone the door to the garage you still get out the same way though the middle is pretty much unchanged the two lookout posts are now interlocked the castle has now changed, now no shield doors but there's still a small room of to the right to hide and there's the sword and active camo theres also a game-type to go with this, all it is, is a small variation of slayer so you can kill people quicker so your ammo lasts longer. you need this because you cant get back into the base. this map is designed to test your ammo conservation skills and how you handle having no ammo. Download Arena V2 Download Arena Slayer all comments are welcomed and tell me anyway you can think of making it better for v3, if i decide to do it that is. + or - rep is always welcomed too.
Exactly, What is the map supposed to be? It's called arena V2, but it should be an arena, Right? I'm sorry but I don't exactly know what this map is. But I give it 4/5, even though I don't know what it is, And I give you +Rep, Since that I sort of like the map.
basically its two basses that lead out into an arena type place, i call it arena because you cant get back into the basses. for a bit more explanation check out my arena v1 post.
yeah, the map don't really look like an arena to me, arena's are closed in, usually open ceilinged and have basically a fight to the death.
this looks like you know your forge techniques but you just don't have a good map idea to use them with...